Have you ever gotten engaged and then regretted it later?
Paula has recently accepted a marriage proposal from her overbearing boyfriend, Daniel. Upset and confused, she talks to her Aunt Jane about her mixed feelings. Aunt Jane invites Paula down for a visit to Nantucket. Her Aunt then sends Jane to Martha’s Vineyard where she meets Gery the owner of the inn where she’s staying.
Paula and Gery really seem to hit it off. The emotional connection between them is amazing! Only problem is, Paula is engaged…is it okay for her to have feelings for Gery while she’s engaged to Daniel?
I really liked this movie. I thought the characters were strong and oh, so believable. Didn’t Daniel get on your nerves? He sure got on mine.I hated the way he kept texting and taking phone calls while he was supposed to be visiting Paula. When Paula came to visit him at his job, he even set an alarm to ensure that their visit didn’t last too long! Who does that?
He also was overbearing towards his family, too. His own sister had issues with him, too. He was not the right match for Paula, even though they’d been dating for two years. I’m kind of surprised that they didn’t break up sooner. I felt that Daniel strong-armed Paula into accepting his proposal. She’d not been expecting him to propose – so, it was a bit of a shock for her when he did that. Also, she refused to wear his ring….which spoke VOLUMES as to how she felt about him!
Gery likes Paula, too. He’s divorced and he tells Paula why his marriage ended. Paula struggles with her feelings for Gery while being engaged to Daniel. Aunt Jane reminds her that sometimes God winks and the unexpected can happen!
The Godwink Christmas movies are based on the Godwink series of books. Have you read them?
The publisher for God Winks recently sent me a copy of God Wink Christmas Stories in the mail. I was surprised to receive it. I read the first story and it was inspiring. It was a true account of someone helping an elderly couple. Such a touching story for the Christmas holiday!
So, have you ever gotten engaged and then had second thoughts about it? Did you regret your decision? Did you end up getting married or did you break off your engagement?