Youtube video – my movie review for the Hallmark movie The Birthday Wish! Leave a comment and let me know what you thought about this movie!
Have you ever made a special wish for your birthday?
Oh my! This movie is definitely one of my favorites!
When Gwen makes a special birthday wish, her life gets pretty interesting! Gwen wants to be married by her 30th birthday. After a secret birthday wish, she discovers that she has vision problems. She visits the optometrist and the strange doctor provides a glimpse into her future – her future with her work mate Dave!
Both Dave and Gwen work together as commercial directors. I loved seeing them on the set! So interesting seeing them in that work environment! They grow close working together on the set. But Gwen can’t let her feelings grow for Dave because, she’s seriously dating Alex, the weatherman!
Didn’t you think that Dave was cute?
I did! He was so nice and SO PERFECT for Gwen! Alex was just a wet blanket. Gwen initially felt that Alex was the right guy for her and she really was expecting Alex to propose.
I really would’ve liked to have known more about the supernatural element to this movie. Like, what made Gwen able to see into the future? What kind of mystical powers were bestowed onto the optometrist?
I could really relate to Dave’s fear of eating street food. A street food vendor used to come to my day job for lunch. I’d purchase food from him. I got sick once. Really sick. I don’t think all of those street vendors are sanitary, although, most of them are. I don’t fear eating from them, but, can understand why others would be leery.
I thought it was sweet that Dave helped Gwen to get over her fear of dogs. Those pups were SO ADORABLE, weren’t they?
I also loved how Dave really adored Gwen, truly adored her. I loved seeing those glimpses into the future.
Wasn’t it great when they were playing that trivia game at the restaurant/bar? Gwen whooped when she got some correct answers. Dave gives her the most tender look and then he says, “I’ve never seen you look so relaxed. Can I get you another drink?”
Oh, my heart melted when I saw that! Truly emotional. Gwen was always a bit off-base and edgy when she was around him. She was just confused, trying to figure out these things she saw in the future. When she saw her future unfold whenever she saw Dave, she just didn’t know how to handle it!
Needless to say, I simply COULD NOT STAND Alex! He was the most narcissistic weatherman! Oh! He didn’t deserve Gwen…and that proposal??? Pathetic, simply pathetic!
So, have you ever made a special birthday wish? If so, did it come true?