I’m off to attend a family reunion this weekend in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I’ll be blogging as time permits!
Cecelia Dowdy
When I received my Today’s Christian Woman magazine a few weeks ago, they had a nice surprise inside…a Love Inspired romance sampler. I think this is a great way for Love Inspired to promote Christian romance fiction to female readers! I would post the titles and authors advertised, however, I don’t have the sampler in front of me right now, and my cluttered brain can’t recall the information.
On to another subject, on my Black Christian Fiction website, I’ve added a page for writers. On this page, I encourage writers to email me questions about writing and seeking publication, and I plan on answering those questions on my blog, as time permits. I’ve received a question, and I plan on answering that soon. I plan on adding the same question/answer option on my homepage: www.ceceliadowdy.com
Cecelia Dowdy
Here’s an interview with Christian author Stephen Bly! Leave a comment and you’re automatically entered to win a free book! Check back within the next week or so when I post the winner!
ISBN: 1599956896
Pub. Date: June 2007
ONE STEP OVER THE BORDER, June 2007 release, Center Street/Hachette Books Group USA
CONTACT INFO: Stephen Bly, P.O. Box 157, Winchester, Idaho, 83555
e-mail: sjbly@christianwritersguild.com, fax: 1-208-924-7303
websites: http://www.blybooks.com/, http://www.onestepovertheborder.com/
Tell us a little bit about yourself…
I’m a pastor, a mayor, an antique Winchester gun collector and a writer. I’m also a fan of Jimmy Buffet music. What do these diverse avocations have to do with each other? In every field I want to grow as a person . . . push myself and my skills . . . my understanding . . . my spirit. I’m not a sit-around-and-let-life-come-to-me kinda guy. I want to dive in and change things for the better, if I can. I write a lot of fiction books, all from a Christian world view. Being pastor helps me stay focused. I’m mayor of a town of 308 in the mountains of Idaho, on the Nez Perce Indian Reservation. That keeps me very western. And I collect old Winchester rifles, which reflects my love of historical accuracy. And Jimmy Buffet music? Hey, there’s not a whole lot of difference between a pirate and an outlaw.
Why do you write about the West?
I write about the West (historic or modern) from the inside. Born and raised on western ranches, I have both the heart and mind to describe things as they really were . . and are. There are those who think the frontier has long passed and with it the ‘code of the west.’ The truth is, both are still around . . . and it’s fun to show that in a contemporary story. The West is so big, so diverse, so enchanting it’s a thrill to write about it in any era.
Tell us about your book.
Here’s a blurb on my newest book, One Step Over The Border . . .
It’s a romp. A road adventure. It’s a buddy story with romantic comedy. Some call it CowboyLit. Rodeo cowboy Hap Bowman’s on a search for Juanita, the gal of his dreams, whom he hasn’t seen in 18 years. He seems stuck on 12-years-old and the enchanting girl he met then.
An idiot obsession,” his roping partner, Laramie Majors, chides.
But Laramie agrees to a final summer’s trek along the Rio Grande. If they don’t find Juanita during those months, Hap promises to drop the idea of the hunt for the mystery senorita. But if they find her, will she feel the same as Hap does about their years ago interlude?
In One Step Over The Border the time tested values of cowboys rub up against contemporary mores. It’s a crazy story that becomes more logical as the reader delves deeper into it. It will make you laugh and shed a tear or two. I hope you’ll find some new life-long friends in Hap and Laramie, like I have, and that they make you think about your own ‘idiot obsessions’ in a fresh, fun way. Have I ever had one? Are you kidding? Being a full-time fiction writer is an idiot obsession all its own. Most people have the good sense to avoid such an occupation.
Getting back to Hap’s pursuit . . . don’t we all have someone in the past, that we knew for only a short while, that we wish we could have known better, longer? I know I have. So when Hap and Laramie ventured out on a quest for Hap’s Juanita, I decided to invite others to go along too. Folks have been e-mailing Hap hapandlaramie@yahoo.com and asking for their own “Juanita Search Kits.” They get a bumper sticker, magnet, bookmark, stickers, flyers, etc. It’s a whole packet of material that will equip anyone to join the fun of finding the Juanita with “the mark of God.” If they send Hap a picture of the places where they stuck their Juanita signs, they’ll receive a free copy of the book. It’s all there on the website at http://www.onestepovertheborder.com/ . . . .
How would you describe the ‘most likely’ reader? Or what ‘felt need’ does this book meet?
While the book will appeal to both men and women, I believe, by sheer numbers more women will read it, especially country gals with cowboy-on-their-mind kind of hearts. While people often talk of women looking for knights on white horses, many gals have at one time longed for a tried-and-true cowboy on any color of horse. So this tale has that kind of appeal. Plus, the drive to find that one person, the one you can’t forget, lingers in the mind of all romantics.
And we all have a desire to find the ‘right’ person who will share the ups and downs of life, to be searched for and found, or to complete something we promised ourselves long ago. We also really want to do the right thing, even if no one knows it. That drive often makes us take a stand against pesky odds. This story’s also about friendship, being there through all the struggles and mistakes and quirkiness. In that way, it’s a satisfying and yet surprising story.
Where is your book available?
One Step Over The Border is available as of June 12, 2007, through your local quality bookstore, your favorite online book supplier, or you can order an autographed copy through http://www.blybooks.com/
And there’s a very special feature on http://www.amazon.com/. . . some more adventures about Hap and Laramie that did NOT appear in the book, can be found on AmazonShorts in the story entitled, Aim Low, Shoot High.
I’ve enjoyed this interview!
Cecelia Dowdy
I received a brochure in the mail for the GPCWC. I attended last year and had a nice time. I even met a fellow writer from my town of Greenbelt, Maryland! I also met with Moody editor Cynthia Ballenger and I also met Terry Whalin (who was not an agent at the time, but still an editor with Howard Books).
I glanced through the brochure, Chip MacGregor’s workshop really caught my eye. His workshop is about building your writing career.
I doubt I’ll go this year since I don’t have the energy, plus I’ll be traveling to ACFW conference in September.
Cecelia Dowdy
I was at home sick from work yesterday, and while I was laying in the bed, I watched Oprah. She announced the book pick for the summer, Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. I read this book a few years ago, and it’s great writing. I tend to read mostly Christian fiction titles, however, I do read secular, and literary works as time permits.
You ever wonder if Oprah will ever pick a Christian fiction novel? I doubt it, but I guess it could happen. I do know I’ve heard her say on a few occasions that she doesn’t read or like romances, so I guess that eliminates all Christian romance titles from being future Oprah picks. However, it would be nice if she were to pick a Christian fiction title, even it it isn’t a romance. I wonder if she’s ever read any of the books from the Left Behind series?
Maybe the next time I read the greatest Christian fiction novel to date, I’ll send it to Oprah, asking her to consider recommending it on her show? If time permits, I just may do that!
Cecelia Dowdy
Still tired, trying to write these pages. Also, I’m a little under the weather. Hopefully, things will get better soon.
Cecelia Dowdy
I posted this entry a little over a year ago on my old blog website, Diaryland
2006-03-12 – 3:52 p.m.
Paperback – Reprint
ISBN: 0373785194
Pub. Date: September 2004
I thought I’d write about a few books I’ve read recently.
The first is called The Marriage Wish by Dee Henderson. I liked this book because it has a particularly strong conflict—The heroine, Jennifer, has lost a husband and child and she’s afraid to love again. Since I now have a son, I look at conflicts involving children differently now. I’ve never lost a child, but I do know that it would be hard for me to get over losing my son because he means the world to me! Even with God’s grace, getting over the death of a child is would be an extremely hard thing to do. As in most romance novels, the couple, Scott and Jennifer, are happily married in the end, and Jennifer does find the courage to have children.
ISBN: 0446531537
Pub. Date: September 2005
The second book I read recently was The Amen Sisters by Angela Benson. This book was a good read with strong conflicts. Francine is haunted by the death of her best friend Toni. After a few months in a mental institution, Francine returns home to live with her fraternal twin sister Dawn. Dawn is having marriage problems with her husband Sly. To add to the conflict, Sly used to be Francine’s beau.
Francine is bitter because of the illicit goings-on that happened in a religious group that she had been involved with. This book deals with the issue of clergymen who take advantage of female parishioners. Francine wished that she had believed her friend Toni, when she confessed that she was pregnant with their preacher’s child. Unfortunately, there are a few people in Francine’s hometown who blame her for Toni’s death, and the guilt she carries affects her family and romantic relationships.
Eventually, Francine, Sly, and Dawn all work through their issues and the story does have a strong and uplifting ending.
I highly recommend reading this book, especially if one has had negative experiences with upper-level clergymen.
Signing off for now,
Cecelia Dowdy
I haven’t been blogging as frequently as I usually do. Mostly I’ve been writing, and too tired to blog. If my energy level perks up within the next few days, I’ll be posting an author interview.
Cecelia Dowdy