From The Blog Archives…

I couldn’t find an entry for Truth Be Told from my blog archives, but I did find this
from 2005-05-27:

I thought I’d spend this entry talking about the recent books I’ve been reading and about all I’ve been doing in my life. Since it’s spring, I’ve been out in my garden planting more flowers. I’ve planted lots of marigolds and dahlias. I’ve also got an assortment of perennials that I planted last year that bloomed about a month ago. I’ve got a few other flowers that I’ve planted, but can’t recall the names of them right now. If you have a particular type of flower that you enjoy planting in your garden, feel free to send me an email at and let me know what it is. I might add it to my collection of blooms next year.

I’ve been reading my Bible, as usual. Lately, I’ve found myself going through the Old Testament. I recently read through the books of Esther and Joshua. One of the things that’s so unusual about the book of Esther is that it reads like a secular book, not like a book in the Bible. God is not mentioned in any of the chapters, but you do see evidence of His influence throughout the verses.

Joshua was full of wars, but Joshua was doing what God told him to do. He needed to conquer those lands just as God commanded.

As far as books are concerned, the two recent ones I’ve read are A Love So Strong by Kendra Norman-Ballamy and Testimony by Felicia Mason. I met both of these authors at writers conferences and both books were really good!

A Love So Strong is about Nicole and Bryan Walker. Nicole is unable to conceive, and she prays for a baby. This couple is deeply in love, but when Bryan’s “love child” from his college days is introduced into their life, their marriage goes through a great deal of torment and trouble. They rely on their faith to get them through this, and there’s an interesting twist at the end that makes the story work out with a happy ending. I met Ms. Bellamy at the 2004 Faith Based Fiction Lovers Weekend in Durham. We sat on a panel together during the conference.

Testimony is about a gospel group who go on tour. All of the members have troubles and circumstances to overcome and most of them do this, as they learn to lean on God during their troublesome times. I really enjoyed this book and it was released back in 2002. I met Ms. Mason at a Romance Writers Of America conference and purchased it there and she signed it for me.

Like most writers, I purchase books like it’s an addiction, so I have so many of them that it’s hard for me to read all of them as I buy them. This explains why I’m just now getting around to reading Felicia’s hardcover novel.

Well, signing off for now. Hope everybody has a good day!

Cecelia Dowdy

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