I know I was supposed to blog about the conference, but, time got away from me and I was too tired! I did manage to drag my camera out on Saturday to take some pics! So…enjoy! Me, signing books at the Mall of America booksigning!
The Mall Of America! Wow, this place is HUGE!! An amusement park is inside the mall!
During the signing, there was a running movie of all the writers participating in the signing, as well as their books, featured on a large screen! Don’t we look great?
James Scott Bell signing his tune!
Author and editor Karen Ball, James Scott Bell, and Brandilyn Collins answering questions during one of the many panels featured during the Mall Of America signing!
Angela Hunt, Karen Ball, James Scott Bell and Brandilyn Collins.
Me, signing John’s Quest!
Author Sharon Ewell Foster is in the middle and Janice Thompson is on the right. Can’t recall who’s on the left! You’re welcome to fill in the blank if you’d like!
Wow! Me, on the big screen!
Camy Tang, Trish Perry, and Rene Gutteridge!
Amusement park in the Mall Of America! Doesn’t it look fun?
ACFW Awards ceremony Saturday night! I’ll be sure to post the winners on another blog entry!
Me, dressed up for dinner!
ACFW Conference Pics!
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