Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc (October 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1602602050
ISBN-13: 978-1602602052
From the back cover:
Bertha Biddle is desperately in love with Thaddeus Bloom….
Trouble is, she’s not sure he returns her affection.
When a stranger named Annie Monroe comes to Jefferson, charming every man in town, Bertha is determined to learn her beguiling secrets. But just how far will she go to win Thad’s heart?
Thad is more than smitten with Bertha. But his father plans to send him away to military school. Will Thad follow his father’s dream at the cost of losing Bertha’s love forever?
When Annie’s unsavory companion enters the scene, foul deeds are afoot, testing faith and hearts. Will a murder provoke a startling twist of fate—in this world and the next?
This was a good story with well-developed characters. The story was intriguing, and, from reading the back cover, I knew a murder was going to happen to one of the characters, and I tensed whenever something happened, wondering if the murder had taken place.
I also thought Marcia did a great job with how she portrayed Sarah and Henry, an African-American couple in the story. Sarah misses her home, and Henry wonders if he’s made a mistake, bringing Sarah so far away from her loved ones. The couple deals with problems faced by a number of marriages, including infertility.
I loved the way the author showed the attraction between Bertha and Thad. I know this is sometimes hard to do, and still keep the story sweet and tender.
Also, as you see Annie suffer from the abuse of her male companion, your heart aches for her, and you’ll find yourself hoping the woman will learn to lean on Jesus to help with her pain.
This story was a love story, and a story of friendships, it is also a story of how we need to embrace God’s grace, especially during times of hardship.
I’d also like to point out that this post is just one part of Marcia Gruver’s blog tour. If interested, here are the rest of the participants of the tour! Be sure to check out their blogs to see what they had to say about Diamond Duo:
I also enjoyed the romance, though I really liked Sarah and her hubby the best.
Great review
Hi Cecelia.
I enjoyed Diamond Duo too — and Sarah and Henry King were my favourite characters. Among the many things they faced and learned, what struck me most was Sarah realizing how her attitude had affected Henry’s self-esteem, and learning to better show the love she felt for him. How often to we neglect chances to affirm the people we love?
Cecelia, I’m thrilled you liked Diamond Duo. Sarah and Henry were my favorites, too. They wound up stealing the book, really. But they went about it with such charm, I had to let them.
Thanks for hosting me!