Most people reading this blog know about the book giveaways that I do each month. Sometimes, I wish I could actually read ALL of the books that I give away, but I just don’t have the time! I’m a member of the Heartsong Presents Bookclub, and I also received the Heartsong Presents Mysteries before they canceled that book club. In addition to those books, I purchase novels from the Family Christian Bookstore, or Barnes and Noble whenever I take my family into the Bowie area to get their haircuts. I also purchase novels from fairly frequently. When I give books away on my blog, or when I give them to friends and family, and I haven’t read the book, I may feel a little wistful. Am I missing a good story? Should I have read that book? I can’t keep all the books that I buy because I simply don’t have room in this house to keep them all! Plus, I get a number of free books each year from authors and publishers when I agree to do book reviews for them on this blog!
Do any of you feel kind of sad or wistful when you get rid of books that you haven’t read? Do you read the first few pages of a book before you give it away to make sure you’re not missing a great story? When I get rid of my books, I think of the way kids act when they don’t want to go to sleep – they’re afraid that they’re going miss something. Do you think you’re missing something when you get rid of unread books?
Totally agree. Too many GOOD Books not enough TIME!
Hi, Cecelia. I do get emotionally attached to books. I must have more than a dozen that I’ve picked up from thrift stores and library book sales, that I still haven’t read.
I even have a couple of new novels I haven’t read. Every time I call myself straightening up and trying to purge them out, I find myself struggling. I still have them. Eventually I’ll read them…I think.
(I don’t want to miss anything.)
I FEEL your pain! Right now I am so busy with work and school I haven’t had time to read! And I have sooo many good things to read and not enough time! Hopefully this summer life will be just the normal crazy!