If you’ve been reading this blog long enough, you’ll know that once in a while I’ll post about a secular title. When I logged onto AOL yesterday, I saw an advertisement that Twilight was coming out on DVD today. I never saw the movie, but, months ago, while I was visiting my parents, I had a conversation with my sister about the book. I asked her, “What’s up with this book Twilight? Why is it so great? It’s about a vampire, right?”
My dad piped in, before she could respond. He said, “It’s a love story, that’s why it’s selling so well.”
My sister nodded and said, “He’s right, that’s why it’s selling so well.”
Since I’d been hearing so much about this book, my sister, myself and my husband drove over to Walmart so that I could purchase Twilight. I was glad it was mass-market paperback, so I paid less than ten dollars for it.
I read it a short time later and was shocked that I actually enjoyed the story! I know I’d read on some website that Stephen King said that Stephenie Meyer can’t write herself out of a paper bag, but I disagree. I loved the story and the teens never had intercourse.
Although I enjoyed the story, I thought it was kind of sad, too. I mean, he’s a vampire, he’s not a real person, and he stays seventeen forever! How can you live happily ever after like that?
I saw a write-up about the series in Today’s Christian Woman magazine, so I do know they end up together later on. So I purchased the rest of the titles, but have not had the opportunity to read the rest of the novels. When I do, I’ll blog about them and give them away as a set. As I pointed out yesterday, I have TOO MANY BOOKS in this house, and that’s part of the reason why our home is such a mess!
Any of you read Twilight? If so, did you enjoy it? Hate it? What did you like or dislike about it?
I didn’t bother posting the book summary here since I assume most people already know what the story is about.
I was surprised you mentioned Twilight, though as you said you sometimes talk about secular books. We were visiting our boys’ homes recently and our younger son’s wife is reading this series right now (probably finished by now a couple weeks later). She said she loved the books in this series and is encouraging her 9 year old daughter to read the first book, saying it wasn’t anything she wouldn’t want her daughter to read.(daughter in law is not a Christian) I had my misgivings, being a book on vampires, but haven’t read the book/books myself so I have no POV or advice of my own yet. I did write down all the names from the series as she told me so I could check them out. I will be watching for your next updates on the rest of the books. (glad the teens in the book didn’t have intercourse.) I didn’t know about the movie so I am going to contact my daughter in law and let her know in case she hadn’t heard.
Pam Williams
cepjwms at wb4me dot com
Hi, Pam! Thanks for commenting! Yes, once in a while, I do read secular books. Sometimes, it’ll be books that I’ve had a NUMBER OF YEARS and just never got around to reading them, or, people are making such a big fuss about a book that I have to read it. I’m not much into vampires and creatures of the night, but, I kept hearing about this book! The hype was so huge that I had to buy it and see what the big deal was about! They did to a write up about it in Today’s Christian Woman magazine, so I’ll see if I can find the clip and post on my blog. Your sister-in-law probably already knows about the movie, though. I live in a bubble, so I don’t watch the news much, or go to the movies much, but this news burst through my bubble via AOL – that’s where I get most of my news nowadays. I have another secular book – unrelated to this one, that I just finished yesterday. About the book I finished reading yesterday – I’ve had that book on my shelf for over four years. I’ve got too many books in this house! That’s why I’m always giving them away!
~Cecelia Dowdy~
My husband just told me some of the girls in our Assembly read the series at the same time. They had a great time talking together about the books as they read through them. Perhaps I MUST read them too.
Pam Williams
Oh, Ok! I’m not sure when I’ll get around to reading the other books, but I’ll definitely post when I do.
I’m curious…what’s an Assembly? Is that a another term for congregation or church? Just wondering! It’s not a term that I hear very often!
~Cecelia Dowdy~
We are a pretty new Church Fellowship or Assembly since October of 2003. I am still working out what to call ourselves to others; Assembly is what I have settled on most of the time. Yes, congregation is a good word too. I’m struggling with calling us a Church because most people who hear the word Church think of the building or the services conducted in it. According to the word ‘church’ in scripture, it refers to the people who belong to God. When I talk about the building I say Church Building and when I talk about the services I usually say Church Service or Worship Service, something to that effect. We have recently gotten our own property, before that we were in a house lent out to us for our use until we got settled. Hope this helps.
Oh, Ok! Makes sense. My husband’s aunt (who passed away about 3 years ago) was part of a new church that met in her home. My husband used to play bass guitar during the services. I never attended because by the time I met my husband, the church was disbanded because she sold her house, moved, and had multiple health problems.
It’s great that you now have your own property! I’m sure that’s must be exciting for your congregation!
Take care!
~Cecelia Dowdy~
Yes, I’ve been hearing about this book a lot, too. Haven’t seen the movie, but read the novel. It’s good, but, the sexual tension is VERY HIGH, even though the couple doesn’t have sex. I, like you Cecelia, plan on reading the rest of the series eventually.
Finally! An adult who likes Twilight! I love the books! I’ve read all four, and have pre-ordered the movie. The first is my favorite, then it’s Eclipse, then Breaking Dawn, last & least New Moon. I still love all of them! I hope you love them all!!!
Saw this while catching up on my Google Reader (why is that so hard to do? lol) and thought I would jump in.
I read Twilight right before New Moon came out and before all the hype. I was surprised to find I enjoyed it, too! I’ve read all the rest, they actually get better as you go (until the last one, which I have mixed feelings about). You should post again when you’ve read the others, I would love to know what you thought.
Hi Cecelia,
I read Twilight over Christmas, since my 15 yr. old daughter started reading the series (she, too, wanted to know what the hype was about). She read all 4 over the Christmas break. I really liked the story, b/c as you said, it’s a beautiful love story. I, too, was sad about the whole vampire/living forever on this earth aspect. I couldn’t see a happy ending to it–esp. not having the heroine become a vampire herself.
It took me a while to get through all the rest of the books, but I eventually did, and all I can say is Meyer is a very talented storyteller. She always managed to get me back interested in the story even when I’d put the series aside for a time. She always had some thrilling climax to each book, and she did have a good resolution.
And, this past March, when the DVD first came out, my daughter and I watched it and loved it. The actors are so well cast, and the music is hauntingly beautiful. My daughter bought the soundtrack and I love listening to it. There is this one scene that is reminiscent of the Titanic scene on the prow of the ship with the Celine Dion song. This one has an equally beautiful son playing.