From Sherri Lewis’s website:
Single and satisfied? Not Michelle, Angela and Lisa. These saved but sexy, successful black women think they’re getting too old to keep waiting on God to send their soulmates. Under the protective eye of their more spiritual sistergirlfriend, Vanessa, and the scrutiny of newly saved manhater, Nicole, the ladies go on a hilarious adventure to “be found” by their husbands.
Armed with their list of essential must-have’s, would-be-nice’s, icing-on-the-cake’s, and total-deal-breakers, they start their search – but soon encounter issues specific to the saved woman on the dating scene. Is online dating okay for Christians? How long do you wait before you tell the hottie you just met that you’re celibate and plan to stay so until married? He’s too fine to pass up – how saved does he really need to be? And of course, how do you keep things holy when he’s oh-so-sexy?
It’s not long before they realize they still have to trust God to know what’s best for them and that He loves them enough to send them everything on The List.
This book was awesome! I felt like I was reading about myself! I could really relate to the characters and their quest to find husbands. The online dating scene is not for the faint of heart! I went through the same issues when I placed an ad online several years ago. It’s hard to find that special someone, and this book resonated with me because I found my hubby through an online dating service.
I could really relate to Michelle because of her attraction to Isaiah. I kind of went through the same predicament a long time ago. It’s hard to have feelings for someone who’s NOT financially stable, in spite of his love for the Lord.
The author also addressed the issue of staying celibate before marriage. It is very hard to do that nowadays, even though it is possible.
Michelle works hard at her job at the TV station, and she’s in line to be promoted. However, a bitter co-worker, who’s high in rank, is out to squelch Michelle’s dream job. Michelle gets the green light from her boss to produce a new TV show, Indie Artist. While working on this show, she meets a handsome, sexy musician named Isaiah. It appears Isaiah has everything Michelle wants in a man: good looks, a passion for God, as well as a huge house and a Hummer!
As Michelle becomes more acquainted with Isaiah, she discovers things are not as they appear. With her job on the line, Michelle wonders what God has in store for her. Her attraction to her co-worker Jason makes the story more interesting. Should she date a man in the workplace?
This book addresses many issues that Christians struggle with, including: sex, dating in the workplace, financial security, and problematic relationships in corporate America.
I believe if you read this novel, you’ll see at least one situation that reminds you of your own life experience.
Sounds like a good read that people can relate to. I’ll need to keep it in mind.
This does sound like an interesting book.
Hey, lady. Thanks for the review. I promise we need to talk about you and your writing asap.
I met my hubby online too! Sounds like a good read