Oh HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! to you too Cecelia!! Your son is adorable! Thanks for sharing his precious smile with us. Lots of warm hugs to you today. I’m glad your hubby made your Mother’s Day sweet.
How cute! My daughter gave me a handmade card real big. Now we are off to church where she is selling roses to people a fundraiser at church for kids camp! Happy Mother’s Day! Carla cpullum(at)yahoo(dot)com
Great pic!!! Happy Mother’s Day to you as well : )
Oh HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! to you too Cecelia!! Your son is adorable! Thanks for sharing his precious smile with us. Lots of warm hugs to you today. I’m glad your hubby made your Mother’s Day sweet.
How cute! My daughter gave me a handmade card real big. Now we are off to church where she is selling roses to people a fundraiser at church for kids camp!
Happy Mother’s Day!
wonderful pic! Now that’s what its all about!
What a great smile!
Happy Mother’s Day (late)
So cute!
What a cute little boy! I just want to kiss those fat, pudgy, cheeks!