The Note II by Angela Hunt
Paperback: 228 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers (April 2, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1414332955
ISBN-13: 978-1414332956
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder has returned to her job after covering the story of an ill-fated Pan World flight. Having recently discovered Christine, the daughter she gave up to an adoption agency nineteen years ago, she is reluctant to commit to the handsome sportswriter Kingston Danville. She feels she owes it to Christine to set her love life aside and make up for lost time. But when a reader challenges Peyton’s advice to “let caution trump passion,” Peyton determines to learn the reason behind her reader’s cynicism . . . and in the process, discovers answers to her own heart-rending dilemma.
A sequel to Angela Hunt’s best-selling novel, The Note, on which the Hallmark movie was based. This novelization based on the Hallmark movie sequel will contain color images from the second movie.==
I thought this book was okay. It wasn’t very deep. It’s a simple read, and from the description, and from the cover, I believe that the Hallmark movie was made first, then Angela Hunt wrote this novel from the movie.
Peyton struggles to be a mother Christine, the girl she gave away for adoption several years ago. Christine is now eighteen and both of her adoptive parents are dead. Can Peyton, Christine’s biological mother, step in to fulfill the role as parent?
Peyton’s romance with Kingston Danville escalates when he asks her to marry him. Should she accept? King’s son, David, a college drop-out, struggles to find himself through art. Will his father get angry when he discovers David no longer plays baseball and is flunking out of college? What will King say when he finds out that David wants to be an artist?
David confides to Peyton, but Peyton doesn’t know if she’s cut out to be a step-mom.
This book was not a page-turner for me, and I believe I might feel that way because the book was written based upon the movie. I just didn’t really feel the characters…I didn’t think they were deep, neither was the story.
I’ve watched both the movie versions and liked them. I didn’t realize Note II was written after the movie. Good to know.
I have not seen the Hallmark movie, but I do find it unusual that the book was written FROM the movie! I didn’t realize authors did that, write a book based on a movie. A different kind of novel. Not sure how I’d feel about reading it after I’ve already seen the movie, though.
I loved the first book!!! I’m looking forward to reading this book. Thanks for sharing the review.