My email box has been exploding with correspondence about Harlequin Horizons. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just look at yesterday’s post. After sifting through a few hundred emails about this, I feel everything has been said, or is being said, and there’s so many issues that I don’t feel like covering them in this blog post. Suffice it to say, Harlequin just sent an email to all their authors, stating they would change the Harlequin Horizons name so that the Horizons books are not linked with the Harlequin brand…or something like that.
I’m done talking about that for now!
Have any of you tried Godiva’s new baked goods? Usually, during the holidays, hubby and I will treat ourselves to a big box of Godiva candy, or we’ll get the Godiva chocolate-covered pretzels, or their biscuits (cookies). I’ve now noticed they have baked goods and we were wondering if we should purchase the brownies from Godiva. Here’s a pic (borrowed from the Godiva website.)
They also have chocolate cupcakes and chocolate ganache layer cake. They have chocolate coconut macaroon cookies, too, but I’m not a big coconut fan.
If you’ve tried any of these, let me know if you enjoyed them. I’m pretty sure we’ll be trying the brownies for this holiday season!
Those brownies look wonderful! :o)
I happen to love brownies – I have a recipe I make called anti-depression brownies or something like that. lol I have IBS so solid chocolate is something I can’t have – but cocoa powder is perfectly fine ~ so brownies are one of my very favorite things. :o)
Since I have to make mine from scratch, I can’t say how the Godiva brownies taste, but I hope you try these brownies out and enjoy every bite.