***This giveaway is now closed. A winner has been chosen. See this blog post for more details.
I’m kicking off the New Year by announcing my next book giveaway. These romance (and one women’s fiction)titles will be given to one winner.
Leave a comment with your email address to enter the contest! If you don’t leave your email address then you will not be entered! Also, by entering this contest, you’re agreeing to become a part of my mailing list – I don’t send mass emails often, so don’t worry about getting too many emails from me!
Some of these novels are brand new, never read, and some are slightly used. Here is the list of books that I’m giving away:
1. In Search Of A Hero by Cheryl Wolverton
2. The Long Road Home by Rachel Druten
Will Becca find her true love at home? After the death of her mother, Rebecca Hostettler is determined to become a doctor – no easy task for a woman in the late 1890s. Peter Chaloupek, taken in and raised by the Hostettlers since age ten, wants nothing more than to continue farming with Becca’s father and marry the woman he loves-the future Dr. Rebecca Hostettler But when Becca writes home, singing the praises of a wealthy, handsome young man she met her first day at medical school, Peter fears that Becca will never see him as anything but a brother. Is it too late for Peter to fulfill his dreams? Will Becca become the wife of a future lawyer and politician, or will she take the long road home and find her true love?
3. Kind-Hearted Woman by Janet Spaeth
Colin Hammett is drifting, searching for meaning in life. Maybe 1935 wasn’t the best year to do this – deep in the Great Depression. But this is his life now, and he’s not sure where to turn next. Lolly Prescott is feeling every moment of a hot, penniless summer. When her brothers carry a half-dead man in the front door and onto the couch, she doesn’t know whether to run or just give in and give up. As Colin struggles to regain memory, the Prescotts’ finances reach the breaking point. Can the attraction between Colin and Lolly grow amid such uncertainty?
4. God Gave The Song by Kathleen E. Kovach
Skye has spent his entire life dealing with abandonment issues. But as an adult, he’s finally happy…until the day he gets a call from a lawyer saying his hippie mother, Hannie, is in a coma. When Skye shows up on Hannie’s alpaca ranch as the surprised and hostile heir apparent, Ruthanne struggles to believe that her wonderful employer could be the same woman who caused the pain in Skye’s eyes. Will Skye and Ruthanne allow their unforgiveness to keep them bound and unfulfilled, or will God use a strange situation to heal their past hurts and anger?
5. Noah’s Ark by Debby Mayne
Now that she has a bachelor’s degree in art history, Emily is unable to find work in her field. So she heads to West Virginia, the only place she’s ever felt at home, to see if she can figure out what to do with her life. Noah may be in over his head. His veterinary practice is taking off, but he has little help and too many clients in arrears. When Emily comes to work for him part-time, her skills and pleasant nature quickly pull things into order. At least in the office. His heart, however, is another matter!
Finding Home by Jennifer Johnson
Five years ago, as an unwed pregnant college student, Sadie placed her baby girl with adoptive parents. Since that heart-wrenching decision, not a day has passed that Sadie doesn’t think of her daughter. Yet, she knows the Lord orchestrated Ellie’s adoption into a loving Christian home. But a letter written by Ellie’s adoptive father, Cam, delivers sad news that Ellie’s adoptive mother has died. Is Cam’s invitation to visit Ellie an answer to Sadie’s prayers? Will Sadie’s empty arms finally be filled by her longed-for child? Or will she find another kind of love altogether?
Sweet Harmony by Janice Hanna
Tangie Carini had her sights set on landing a lead in a Broadway play. But when her career flounders, she ends up in Harmony, New Jersey, as a church drama director. Will Tangie find the role of a lifetime where she least expects it? Stodgy music director Gregg Burke realizes he needs help. But how is he ever going to work with the outrageously eccentric Tangie Carini? Or will he discover that opposites attract?
8. Twenty Wishes by Debbie Macomber (this book was autographed by the author)
10. A Passion Most Pure by Julie Lessman
If you’ve read my novels, John’s Quest, Milk Money, or Bittersweet Memories, feel free to leave reviews on Christianbook.com on the Chesapeake Weddings (the re-release of all 3 of those titles) link. Even if you’ve only read one of those titles, you can still leave a review if you wish!
Hi Cecilia,
Please enter my name in your drawing.
I would love to win these books, AND get your emails. Please enter me. Thank you!!
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I would love to enter the contest!
Happy New Year, Cecelia! Thank you for this lovely giveaway! What a great way to start off 2010 : )
Please enter my name in the drawing.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Happy New Year, Cecilia! I’d love to enter your contest and be a part of your mailing list!
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Melissa Ewell Miller
What a great pile of books!
Please enter me into the drawing.
srfbluemama at gmail dot com
Happy New Year, Cecilia,
I’d like to be in your drawing. Thanks for supporting Christian fiction.
gloworm () certainty (dot) net
Please add my name to the drawing. Thank you very much and Happy New Year.
Thanks for the opportunity, have a great New Years everyone! tWarner419@aol.com
I am always looking for another good book to read
mynewhomeiowa at ya hoo
Awesome selection! I’d love to put my name in the hat. I’d also love to check out Chesapeake Weddings when it releases. I love the cover!
I’d like to enter!
WOW!! What an amazing prize! I would be thrilled to win this! Please enter my name.
Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
WOW!! I would Love these.
Please enter my name.
Happy New Year Cecelia,
What a fabulous giveaway…please include me. thanks.
Thanks for a chance to win your books!
I would love to read your books! Please enter me in the giveaway.
I would love to win this contests.
Nothing better than a good book and a blanket on a cold day. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com
They combined them into one book? Neat!! I would love to enter your contest! martha(at)lclink(dot)com
I would love to read these books! Thanks for the great giveaway :).
Hi Cecelia HAPPY NEW YEAR!.Please enter me in the giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Thank you.
Wow, what a huge giveaway! I think I’m already on your mailing list. At least the one for your blog, as I get your posts in my inbox. Either way, here’s my address:
By the way, I think the cover of your book is beautiful! How exciting for you!
I would love to be entered:) Thanks for the chance at winning these:)
MY battery died as I was posting my comment. I’m not sure if it went through or not. If it did, please disregard this entry. Thank you!
I had mentioned in my previous comment how lovely your new cover is and how excited you must be! Congratulations!
I found a link to your blog on the Yahoo group,ACFW book club.
Yes, Please enter my name for the book give-away.
Quiet Spirit is the name of my writing ministry I am trying to start.
We have the same first name,ever spelled the same.
This looks really good! I would love to be entered- thank you!
caseym (dot)writer(at)gmail(dot)com
Looks good. Please enter me.
nice giveaway thanks so much minsthins at optonline dot net
What a fun giveaway.
Please enter me.
But,if by some wonderful chance I do win,could you please send 20 wishes to someone else?
I am actually blessed to own an autographed copy of this book.
Thanks and God bless,
What an incredible giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity. Please enter me in the drawing.
What a wonderful giveaway – please enter my name as well and happy new year.
msboatgal at aol.com
Please enter me in drawing. I see a lot of good authors I know.
Happy New year to you too.
God’s blessings on your writing
I’d better hurry and get my name in this wonderful drawing.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
I’d love to win the books
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I am moving into more inspirational fiction in my personal reading time and these look wonderful. Please enter me… ellenmaze@aol.com
happy new year!
Hello, Please enter me in the drawing, if Europiens are welcome
Sorry, my email address:
Happy new year!
mannasweeps (at)))) gmaildotcom
Please enter me into this drawing, I enjoy reading so much, see my blog
Hi Cecelia!
Happy New Year! Please enter me in.
blessings to you,
Happy New Year! I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I’d love to included!
kristinia {at}lovingheartmommy{dot}com
Please include me and thank you for your generosity.
What a neat contest! Please enter me. Thanks. Love and prayers Melody
msproule1225 at gmail.com
Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I have read all of these, so I am not going to enter. I just wanted to remark that they are all great books! I know the winner will be thrilled!
Hi Cecelia,Happy New Year to you and your family. Your list of books has really grown, I’m proud of you. If I win a book, I will be elated. My email address is tynes.write4u@juno.com
What a great lineup of books! My Mom loves to read Christian fiction. If I were lucky enough to win, it would be such fun to present them to her! Thanks!!
I’m an email subscriber already at:
sharonjo at gwtc dot net
What a number of books you are offering! Thanks for being so very generous.