I’ve recently read the following Love Inspired novels. These are what I call sweet, inspirational, endearing romances that aren’t too complex. The storylines are simple, and you can enjoy one in a few hours since they are so short.

The Pastor Takes A Wife by Anna Schmidt
Everyone in Singing Springs, Wisconsin, is talking about the handsome new pastor. Except single mother Megan Osbourne. With a checkered past, she knows not to speculate about others. Or think for one dreamy minute that Jeb Matthews would even notice her. Yet there she is, telling him about her life and not feeling judged. Soon she’s even helping him set up a church youth center and becoming more a part of the community than ever. And when Jeb slowly opens up to her about why he gave up his former life, she hopes the pastor will soon take a loving wife—her.
Megan is the town outcast. She got pregnant in high school and the father of her baby (a high school star football player) abandoned her, going to college on scholarship and convincing the town that Megan has lied about the paternity of her baby. Devestated, Megan continues to live in the town although she doesn’t feel well-liked or well-respected. Plus, she doesn’t have high self-esteem and she’s always putting the needs of others before her own needs. When the new pastor comes to town, she feels drawn to the newcomer. However, why would Jeb, a handsome pastor with a doctorate degree, want to be with her, an high-school educated single mother who’s never been married before. As they spend time together, they find themselves drawn to each other, and Megan finds that Pastor Jeb has some secrets of his own lurking in his past.
The Baby Bond by Linda Goodnight
Firefighter Nic Carano relishes his bachelor lifestyle. Then he loses his heart to a rescued baby. And when he meets the infant’s lovely aunt–suddenly a mother–Nic starts considering love, marriage…and a baby carriage.
Yet Cassidy Willis isn’t convinced. Nic’s been a lifesaver with all that he has done, along with his big-hearted family and fellow firefighters, to help the new mom. But after all she’s been through, could she really be happy with someone whose life is always in danger? Now it’s up to Nic to show Cassidy that his bond with her and the baby is forever.
Cassidy’s life takes a drastic turn when her sister and her sister’s husband are suddenly killed in a fire. Firefighter Nic Carano rescues Cassidy’s nephew and Cassidy suddenly finds herself the new single mother of her infant nephew. Nic discovers that Cassidy is all alone and he vows to help her through her plight. He bonds with Cassidy’s infant nephew, and finds himself drawn to Cassidy as well. However, Cassidy, orphaned at a young age, is hesitant about having a relationship with Nic. He’s a firefighter, and she’s had more than her fair share of brushes with traumatic fires and natural disasters. Nic has a dangerous profession, and she doesn’t want to love him, only to lose him in the blazes of a fire. Also, Nic is a playboy – he has more female friends than Cassidy can count, and she wonders if he could seriously handle a mature romantic relationship. Both of these two lovebirds need to learn trust God with their romantic intentions and not worry about their fears.
A Family Forever by Brenda Coulter
A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS When her fiancé was killed just three weeks before their wedding, violinist Shelby Franklin’s “happily ever after” dreams were shattered. The discovery of her unplanned pregnancy guaranteed those dreams would never be rebuilt.
A KNIGHT IN A BIKE HELMET Tall, husky cyclist Tucker Sharpe promised his dying brother he’d look after Shelby. When he learned there was a baby on the way, a marriage of convenience seemed his only option. But would love for the unborn child be enough to bring them — and keep them — together?
Shelby was in love and on her way to the alter…now she’s alone – her fiance killed in an accident. Tucker has promised his deceased adopted brother that he’d care for his fiancee if anything should happen to him. Tucker finds he has to keep that promise, and with the promise comes more responsibility – Tucker also needs to care for Shelby’s unborn child.
Shelby is initially appalled at the idea of marrying Tucker. However, she does, eventually, find herself drawn to the big attractive biker. She also finds herself resenting Tucker because she’s always felt that Tucker thought she was not good enough to marry his little brother.
Shelby has secrets lurking in her past, and this book has a subtle suspenseful thread. Shelby feels as if she’s being watched and followed, and she has no idea who’s sniffing around, trying to scare her.
A tragic event occurs, and it appears that it may shatter Tucker’s and Shelby’s relationship.
Shelby finds that she needs to face the fears of her past in order to have a happy, fullfilling life.
Rainbow’s End by Irene Hannon
Shelter from the storm… To lessen the pain of his wife’s death, Keith Michaels headed cross-country. Yet though he had reached the Pacific Northwest, he still felt broken, empty and alone. When a sudden storm stranded him with the local widow, who was no elderly matron, but a reclusived young woman. What was it about shy Jill Whelan and her charming cottage that made Keith want to stop his wandering ways? Did faith and love await him at Rainbow’s End?
A vagrant, Keith finds himself staying overnight in an empty cottage on a young widow’s property. The young widow, Jill, lives in the town of Rainbow’s End. She lives alone, and has minimal contact with people. Due to an accident, half of her face his terribly scarred, and she’s resorted to spending the rest of her life all alone. In spite of her scars, Keith finds himself attracted to the young widow, and she hires him to build an art studio on her property.
As the story unfolds, Keith and Jill find themselves helping a practically homeless boy, and falling in love with one another. However, Keith has secrets about his past that Jill doesn’t know about. Can she trust him? Why has he suddenly appeared in Rainbow’s End, broke, as if he’s running away from something? Keith needs to learn to face his own fears and to tell Jill the truth about his past.
This book was different than most romance novels because the heroine is severly disfigured. Usually in romance novels, the heroes and heroines are attractive…and that’s not the case in this story.
All four of these romances were heartwarming, simple reads that you’ll enjoy.
~Cecelia Dowdy~