I took my son to see Toy Story 3 yesterday but we had to leave early. The movies were too loud for him! The loud sound bothered my ears, too, so I’m not sure if I’m getting old, or, if the movies are getting louder! At first, I thought the loudness was due to the fact that they were showing previews, but then the movie came on and the sound stayed up there, at several decibels! My four-year-old son started crying and covering his ears and said he wanted to go home! So, we got up with our jumbo popcorn and soda and I asked for a refund for our tickets. Do you think the movies are too loud nowadays? The movie was also in 3-D, which I thought was cool! I really wanted to see this movie, too, because I enjoyed Toy Story 1 & 2, but I was sure that when I left that theater, my ears would’ve been ringing.
I went to see Avatar in the theater on Mother’s Day weekend and the sound of that movie didn’t bother me. However, it was in an older theater. I paid a reduced price to see it since it was already out on DVD when I saw it in the theater.
I submitted a proposal yesterday. I’m starting to feel kind of antsy since I still don’t have another contract on the horizon! Hopefully, this one will pan into a sale! I’ve been fishing a lot lately, but, so far, no bites!
I’m still waiting for news. At least I haven’t gotten any rejections with my recent submissions, so, that’s good, I guess…