I received a rejection yesterday for a Christmas anthology project that I submitted with three other authors. Bummer!
I know some of you may wonder why I always blog about getting rejected. Although this blog is about Christian Fiction, I also enjoy blogging about what it’s like to be a writer.
I’m blessed that I have a full-time job during this bad economy and that I don’t have to make a full-time living from my writing because I’m doing a rotten job of getting publishing contracts and if we had to live off of my salary, we’d be homeless.
My husband works full-time too, but if I were to try and make a living from writing full-time we’d have to lower our standard of living for me to fulfill my dream and we’d both be miserable!
I don’t think we’ll be submitting this elsewhere because I’ve noticed that most Christian publishers no longer publish anthologies like they used to. From what I’ve gathered, other than Christmas anthologies, most CBA anthologies are compiled via invitation-only from publisher to author? Although I could be wrong about this.
Anybody read any great Christian novella anthologies lately? If so, what were the titles and what were the books about?