I’ve been watching the competition for The Next Food Network Star and last night was the finale and Aarti won! I didn’t think she would win because she was riddled with a LOT of self doubt. She had more self doubt than Herb and Tom, the other finalists. I was wondering if she had more self doubt because she’s a woman? From my experience, it seems that women seem to have more self doubt then men? It appears that’s the way our culture is set up. This is just my opinion and I have nothing to back this up!
Her show sounds interesting. I’m looking forward to watching it.
Wow, I’m so glad. I wanted her or Aria to win when I last watched several weeks ago.
I started watching it about three weeks ago. I didn’t realize that the competition had started. I was able to catch some of the episodes that I missed on Sunday. They showed all of the episodes, back to back, before airing the final episode. Now, I’m looking forward to watching Paarti!
I have been watching that show to and was very surprised that they chose her. I am very gald because she was the one that I identified with. I sometimes feel inadequate but have found that I have to “pretend to be confident”. Then after awhile I am confident in what I am doing.
I would love to try her Indian pizza with the chutney and hope to see her show. Would have loved to give her a big hug.