Discovery Channel Gunman

My sister works at the Discovery Channel in Silver Spring and I was worried, shocked, and horrified and I found out about an armed man, James Lee, had entered the building and had fired a few shots and took hostages. It also appeared that he was strapped with bombs. My sister called me quietly from her office, leaving me a voicemail stating that they were in lockdown. My heart was beating hard and I was sweating hard as I prayed and called people that I knew. I was relieved when she called me about ten minutes later and said that they’d exited the building.

I’m glad the whole situation is over. It was just a bit too close to home for me! 🙁

~Cecelia Dowdy~

6 thoughts on “Discovery Channel Gunman

  1. Bible Love Quotes Poems

    Hey Cecelia, this is Rajib. Just stumbled upon your blog and thought to say hello. Your blog is interesting and the book reviews are quite informative. And thank God that your sister was safe throughout the incident. Hope she is feeling comfortable and better now.


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