An Inconvenient Friend By Rhonda McKnight

An Inconvenient Friend by Rhonda McKnight

Samaria Jacobs is a deceitful, yet captivating diva who will do anything to win the heart of her married lover. Will she get her man or destroy herself and everyone else in the process?

Samaria has her sights set on Gregory Preston. A successful surgeon, he has just the bankroll she needs to keep her in the lifestyle that her credit card debt has helped her grow accustomed to. He’s married, but Samaria would never let a little thing like that get in her way.

Samaria joins New Mercies Christian Church to get close to Gregory’s wife. If she gets to know Angelina Preston, she can become like her in more than just looks, and really work her way into Greg’s heart.

Angelina’s life is filled with a successful career and busy ministry work, but something’s just not right with her marriage. Late nights, early meetings, lipstick- and perfume-stained shirts have her suspicious that Greg is doing a little more operating than she’d like. But does she have the strength to confront the only man she’s ever loved and risk losing him to the other woman?

Just when Samaria thinks she’s got it all figured out, she finds herself drawn to Angelina’s kindness. Will she be able to carry out her plan after she finds herself yearning for the one thing she’s never had. . .the friendship of a woman?

This book was a page turner! I read it in one day! Samaria is having an affair with surgeon Gregory Preston. She’s determined that she’ll be the next Mrs. Preston and she doesn’t care what it takes to get the wifely title that she feels she deserves. To follow through with her plan, she joins the church where Greg’s wife, Angelina, worships. The women’s group shuns Samaria, but Angelina develops a mentoring friendship with the troubled woman. Samaria thinks she looks like a younger version of Angelina, and that in a matter of time, Greg will want to replace his older wife with the younger version.

Angelina is dealing with major drama in her marriage and her faith is extremely tested. She suspects her husband is having an affair, and both Greg and Angelina are still coming to terms with a tragic event that happened in recent years. Can they get over their pain and move on and try to salvage their marriage?

I thought this book moved quickly and as you start reading, you won’t want to stop. I spent last Friday reading this title and I do think Rhonda touches on some subjects that you don’t see often in Christian fiction. The book was vivid and real, and teaches us to really rely on our faith when life gets us down. I know it’s hard to rely on God when things get rough, and this novel is an excellent example of how we need to trust in the Lord no matter what kind of trouble we may have. Also, it shows that God can be tricky…Samaria wanted to get close to Angelina to hurt her…but she ends up growing closer to the woman she initially wanted to hate.

If you want a quick, interesting, page-turning and inspiring read then this book is for you!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “An Inconvenient Friend By Rhonda McKnight

  1. Rhonda McKnight

    Awesome review, Cecelia. Thank you for purchasing my novel. I’m glad you couldn’t stop turning those pages. I also appreciate you taking time to do a review for me.




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