Photo courtesy of Luigi Diamanti
Maria wrote to me with the following question:
Dear Cecelia,
I have written a Christian novel for children (middle graders), and I would greatly appreciate your advise on how to get commercially published. I am currently an unpublished author. My manuscript has been professionally edited, but I am new to the writing arena and don’t know much about how to get noticed by a publisher.
I’d appreciate any advice you can give me.
Maria, you’re off to a good start since you had your manuscript professionally edited. I did this for the FIRST TIME myself. Although I’m a commercially published novelist, and had to go through the editorial process with a publisher, I recently paid for editorial services on an unpublished manuscript and it improved my story a lot, and I’ll probably go through the same process with future manuscripts. I blogged about my experience briefly here.
From what I’ve heard, breaking into the YA market is harder than adult fiction. Why? I’ve heard that they don’t publish as many YA books as adult books. The first thing I’d do if I were you is go to a bookstore and see what publishers are publishing YA fiction. I’d then search for those publishers online to see what their submission guidelines are. Make sure your book would be a good fit for their YA imprint, though. You don’t want to send a sweet romantic YA novel to a publisher that appears to publish only YA suspense titles. You might also want to see which authors are published with the YA publisher that you’re targeting and see if they have any information on their website/blog about how they got published, or contact them to see what they say.
Find out if the publishers that you want to target will be attending any writers conferences. If they are, you might want to go and meet the editor to see if they may be interested in your story. Having a personal connection with the editor helps when you’re submitting your manuscript.
Also, pray about it! Ask God to help you find a home for your work and listen and weigh the advice from other writers! Also, join a writers group in your area. Look online to see if there are any groups that specialize in YA fiction – or just fiction. The two groups that have helped me are Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers. Being part of a professional organization can help put you in contact with published novelists, editors, and agents!
Hope my information helps!
Thank you so much for the 9 delicious-looking books that arrived today from winning your Christmas give-away contest. I can’t wait to dive in. Unfortunately, with 20 people coming for Thanksgiving I won’t really have any time to read until it’s all over. Then I’ll start with yours.
With anticipation,
Cecelia … Great article! I am a new author and chose to go the self-publishing route via a company called Booklocker. They are a Print On Demand company. I am doing all the promotion for my Christian novel, and I also created a blog. I hope to generate enough sales to attract an agent or publisher. Can you recommend any websites that feature book reviews or accept book excerpts from new authors?
S Scott Johnson,
Author, The Guide
Kay, I hope you enjoy the books!
Scott, I don’t really know of any book review sites that focus on self-published work. If any blog readers know of any blogs/book review sites that may help Scott, feel free to post them in the comments.