Turkey Poll

I was mentioning on Facebook that I’ve never cooked a turkey before. I’m not doing one this year either because we’re going away for Thanksgiving (as we always do). Since there’s only three of us in this house, we feel that an entire turkey would be too much food for us.

I thought it’d be fun for my blog readers to tell me what they’re doing, food-wise, for Thanksgiving? Are you baking a turkey? Do you have a favorite turkey recipe? Care to share it in the comments? What are you baking for side dishes and desserts? Are you having people over to your house or are you going away?

I’ll go first – we’re going away and I’m not making any food items for Thanksgiving! There will be plenty of food when we get there!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

6 thoughts on “Turkey Poll

  1. Janet

    Hey Cecelia! We always go to my mom’s for Thanksgiving. We have turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, candied yams, fresh green beans, corn casserole, cranberry salad, cranberry sauce, rolls, pumpkin pie, apple cake. And maybe a couple more side dishes. My mom only lives about 10 minutes away from us and my sister and her husband will come, too. My 2 brothers and their families go to the “other side” for Thanksgiving. We’re ALL together for Christmas.
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  2. Nicole L Rivera

    I’m in charge of desert. Mom takes care of the Turkey. I’ve never cooked one and never plan to. For many years I was a vegetarian, and if not for health reasons I still would be one. So, the idea of stuffing a dead turkey grosses me out a bit. If left up to me we’d have pizza and dessert. I love to bake. I’m making pumpkin-pecan pie, peanut butter banana punch bowl cake, and possibly pumpkin bread.

  3. Rhonda McKnight

    I’m going to mom’s house. I’m so glad she’s only 4.5 hrs away as opposed to 12 and I can see her on holidays.

    I always cook a turkey at home just to have it. There’s only me and my 5 yr old now. My son may take some back to college with him, but a 10 lb turkey is not that much meat, Cecilia. I make turkey salad (which I love) and then I used the bone and the last of the meat to make Turkey Chili and Turkey Soup. I freeze several containers of the soup, so if anyone gets a cold, I can pull it out of the old freezer and get ’em healed immediately.

    As for me, I’ll make a few side dishes. I cook along with mom and so does my brother.

  4. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Janet! Really? Sounds fun! We’re going to my parents house for Thanksgiving and we usually have a huge turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, pies, cranberry sauce, corn bread, rolls, plus a bunch of other stuff! I think it’ll just be me, my hubby and my son attending this year. I don’t believe my sisters are coming.

  5. Cecelia Dowdy

    Nicole, sounds yummy! You USED to be a vegetarian? I doubt I could do that unless forced. I do eat some veggie things, like pizza a such, but, I like meat too much to give it up completely. I’ve even tried soy products/substitute meat products and I didn’t like them. The banana punch bowl cake sounds especially good! I’d love to try it!

  6. Cecelia Dowdy

    Rhonda, thanks for the suggestion. I was at the store last night with my son, eyeing the 10-pound birds. I doubt I’ll make a turkey this year since we’re going away to my mom and dad’s. I might do it one week afterwards, though? I just want to experience making a turkey for some reason! The turkey chili and turkey soup sound mighty good!


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