A reader left the following comment about my novel, Bittersweet Memories, here on my blog. I just wanted to share her comment with the rest of you:
Hi Cecelia,
My daughter, Angel, is from Uganda. She is learning English and absolutely does not like to read… That is, until I discovered your novel, Bittersweet Memories, at a book exchange during my church’s annual Ladies Retreat this year. I brought it home to her and her nose has been stuck in it every since! She just finished it the Friday after Thanksgiving. This is the FIRST book that she has enjoyed reading without my having to prompt her…I didn’t have to tell her once to pick it up, she did it all on her own! Thank you for writing such an inspiring story with wonderful Christian morals for her to read. We look forward to reading more of your books!
Erika and daughter, Angel, in Texas
I was interviewed on the Romance Slam Jam Blog recently. Stop by and check it out and leave a comment!
I’m enjoying the Christmas Season but I’m just a bit bummed that I’m not currently contracted for any novels. I do have a couple of things floating around out there, plus, I’m working on a submission to send to a literary agent within the next month or so.
thats great cecilia!
Thanks, Anonymous!
Hi, Cecelia. How encouraging it must be to hear that someone who– a)”does not like to read,” and b) is a person for whom English is not her first tongue–may be falling in love with reading after reading your book. Be and stay encouraged. Thank you for sharing this story, because it helps writers who are still in the dreaming stage (like me) think about how what we say may truly change someone’s life. Not that we plan to walk around feeling pressure, just that it makes us conscious of being faithful on the page, and that is NOT a bad thing.
It also is nice to hear that God notices all that you’re doing and that your labor isn’t in vain. (I’m sorry if it seems like I’m gushing, but this is one of the first things I read today that wasn’t bad news or an obit.)
I hope your spirits will be lifted, despite the contract “thing,” and that you and your family will have a wonderful holiday season and new year.
Blessings!–Nedra Smith in Virginia
Thanks for taking time to comment, Nedra and I’m glad that you visit my blog! I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been reading a lot of bad news with the obits and bad news. Hopefully, you’ll get more positive posts/items soon.
I was glad to hear that somebody from another country and who spoke another language, read and enjoyed my books! It is, indeed, a blessing.
I’m working on another story now so, hopefully, and prayerfully, I’ll find a home for it. I’m enjoying writing this story and it’d be great if it gets published.
I hope you and your family members have a happy and blessed holiday season, too!
Thank you, Cecelia. I’m trying to be careful about the type of information I consume.
I know your story will do well (whether it’s the blind main character project or another–don’t say, just keep it close to your heart, so as not to spoil it), and I’m sure that when the story will be ready, that will be a source of good news.
Not the world’s best follower/influencer, but I know what I like reading.
Thank you for all you’ve shared. Have a blessed one!