I wanted to mention a set of Christmas short stories that I recently read entitled Christmas Grace by Robin Bayne and Laura Hamby.
Christmas Grace by Laura Hamby
Hannah Kelsey, now orphaned by the War Between the States, awaits patiently for news of her one, surviving brother. A life that has been anything but easy is made more complicated by the Yankee soldier she finds lying in front of her cabin a few days before the Christmas of 1864.
The Scent of Falling Snow by Robin Bayne
Aideen O’Conner felt a certain twinge when Rob Novak walked into her dance studio. Was it because she thought he didn’t take her seriously, or because she was afraid he would?
When Rob visits his daughter’s step-dancing teacher, he makes it clear he doesn’t consider the activitiy a challenge. The real challange comes when he learns the teacher’s secret.
Christmas Grace is a historical short story that takes place during the Civil War. Hannah is a tough woman who lives alone – her whole planation has been burned to the ground and she’s forced to fend for herself. When she finds a wounded enemy soldier on her property, what should she do? Does God want her to help the enemy? Being around this man unnerves her – in a good sort of way. She’s been alone for so long that she’s forgotten the feeling of love, companionship, and camaraderie with another person. As the story unfolds, you’ll discover that Hannah’s new cabin mate can cause lots of turmoil in her life.
The Scent of Falling Snow is a contemporary short story. Aideen runs a dance studio, and she’s lost custody of her daughter due to the mistake she’s made. Although she’s able to visit her daughter, she hasn’t forgiven herself for her rash, bitter actions against her ex-husband’s wife. When Rob discovers the truth behind Aideen’s actions, he’s devastated. Can Aideen learn to forgive herself and learn to love Rob?
Both of these stories were quick, enjoyable reads and you could easily read both of them in one or two evenings.
So, grab a cup of hot coffee and some Christmas cookies and enjoy these short holiday stories! These tales are nice little treats to savor during the Christmas rush!
~Cecelia Dowdy~
Photo courtesy of Paul – Free Digital Photos
Thanks so much for the kind review! Merry Christmas : )
Merry Christmas to you, too!
Thank you for the lovely review, Cecelia. Have a very Merry Christmas.
I hope you have a great Christmas, too, Laura! I liked how you and Robin’s books were short and you could read them in a sitting. I hope you gals sell oodles of copies! They were really enjoyable reads!