Received my royalties yesterday for Chesapeake Weddings. It’s always nice to get a little bit of cash in my pocket.
Speaking of money, I heard that Border’s was filing Chapter 11 yesterday! What do you think about that? Yikes!! From what I understand, they’re not closing all of the stores, just some of them. Here’s a list of the stores that will be closing. Also, they are liquidating their stock and a lot of stuff will be on sale this weekend since it’s President’s Day Weekend? I recall how I first started going to Borders several years ago. A friend of mine recommended that I go there since he saw how much I love books and Borders had a coffee bar and you could sit and scan books while drinking your coffee, plus, the place was huge! The book/publishing industry grows, shrinks, and changes as time goes on, I guess.
Congrats on your royalties! I’m sorry to see this happen to Borders. Hate to see it happen to businesses all over.
Have a great weekend!
i think there’s too many bookstores that are just alike. It’s sad but i mean Barnes and Noble has completly taken all the space and in America we have too much of everything so since we are moving further away from God it’s to be expected as somethings are forgotten. Maybe they should change their approach, and try to do a different business, like with more coffee shops and art, I always got bargian basement and discount books from them, perhaps instead of trying to do both they do like OLLIES and be totally discount. Smart people and people who want to act smart will go to Barnes and NOble cuz it’s more collegic like and Borders seemed to be a very busy store. too many people doing the same thing.
Looks like my store isn’t closing (yet) but you are losing some down your way! It’s sad : <
Thanks Karen. Alli, not sure what the cause of Borders closing? If they were so busy, then I’d think they were moving/selling tons of books to the consumer? It’s possible that the popularity of e-books has had an impact on Borders profits?
Robin, yes, I saw from the link that you provided that stores in my area will be closing. How sad!
We heard its in liquidation here in Australia too along with Angus and robertson. For us its the cost of books and the fact they can be bought cheaper online. Not sure of the reason in America but here its the online market and also the ebook market they say.
I went to a Barnes and Nobels in Hawaii and was shocked at how few Christian fiction books they actually sold.
Hey, Jenny! Glad you stopped by and commented! The online market is definitely a factor. I rarely purchase books from bookstores anymore. Mostly, I purchase them from Amazon. If you get at least $25.00 worth of new books, you don’t have to pay postage. How cool is that? When I go to a bookstore, I just browse. The first section I visit is the Christian fiction section. I then visit the African-American or general fiction section.