What are your favorite childhood novels? Come on over to Writers’ Rest and share your childhood book memories with us! Also, while you’re there, read some of the other wonderful articles like Teresa Slack’s series on ambition – there are three blog posts, that’s the link to the first one, just scroll through the blog for the rest!
I can’t even think of the name, it wasn’t a Christian novel, but it was about a young lady who wanted to change the way she looked, because she didn’t like how she was made.
Miss Bible, thanks for visiting Cecelia’s Christian Fiction Blog and for leaving a comment. It’s great to share your biblical wisdom with others. You can find other favorite childhood novels listed in the comments here:
I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but I was not able to for some weird reason!
My favorite childhood novels were Tom Sawyer and Little Women. Before that, Mama read stories to me.
I loved “The Gingerbread Man” and “Three Billygoats Gruff” best and then “East of the Wind and West or the Moon.” Or was it, West of the Wind and East of the Moon? I also liked “The Snowqueen.”
I didn’t like “The Ugly Duckling” because it made me cry. Now I know that empathy is a good thing.
I have two new articles today. Please visit Writers Rest and the Bustles and Spurs blog and read my articles. And if you could leave a reply to each, that would be great. Here are the addresses.
Hey Cecilia,
Sorry you couldn’t post a comment. I’m not sure why, but thanks for responding back to me anyways.