Well, it’s Sunday, May, 22, 2011 and there was NO RAPTURE YESTERDAY Camping needs to re-evaluate his Bible and stop making false prophesies!
I also wanted to announce that the winner of the Stephen Bly Book Giveaway is: JOY ISLEY – MESA, AZ
I’m still experimenting with the Amish Friendship Bread. I don’t have any friends who are bakers, so I don’t have anybody who’s interested in taking the extra starter from me. However, I developed a workaround for myself. When I split the first batch of starter, I merely placed the extra starters in the refrigerator and used them to bake – I did not feed them – I just used them as is – with the exception of the one I used yesterday. I fed that one but I didn’t feed it again on the tenth day nor did I split it. I used the entire 2 cups to make pancakes. I still have one bag of starter left from my original batch. Since I only have one left, I will feed this one on days six and ten, split on day ten and then I’ll have some to place in my refrigerator. So far, out of the recipes that I’ve tried, my favorites are the Amish Friendship Bread and the Banana Nut Amish Friendship Bread. I made the biscuits, but they didn’t turn out like I wanted. Also, I made the pancakes yesterday, but they were just “okay”. They were a bit too sour and you have to really watch the batter when you cook it on a griddle, it gets done very quickly and can burn. I believe it’s because of the sugar content in the Friendship Bread starter.
Any of you ever make Amish Friendship Bread, or a variation of it? If so, did you like it?
I LOVE Amish Friendship Bread! But you are right. If you don’t have anyone to share with it is way too much batter
I have wanted to get started again but alas I have no one, either, at this point. I haven’t checked in to whether it freezes well, but I guess I should ask someone.
Hi, Anne
The banana bread that I made with the refrigerated batter was really good! My next project is brownies! I’ll be making those on Memorial Day Weekend!