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Did Philip Disappear – Podcast
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I’m ready to discuss another scripture on today’s Sunday Brunch. Like last week, we can pretend like we just finished eating the following menu before “discussing” the a scripture by leaving comments.
Today’s menu:
Orange Juice
Blueberry Waffles with Syrup
Hamburger Sliders with Fries
Today’s question:
What happened to Philip at the end of the eighth chapter in the book of Acts?
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I wanted to talk about the ending of the scripture involving the Ethiopian eunuch. After Philip has a life-changing conversation with the eunuch, Philip baptizes him. After the baptism, the following occurs:
Acts 8:39-40
39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. 40 Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.
What I’m wondering is, did the Lord’s Holy Spirit enable Philip to disappear and then re-appear in Azotus? I know some translations use the term “carried” Philip away instead of “took Philip away.” Either way you look at it, it appears to me that Philip literally disappeared from the scene of the eunuch and then reappeared in Azotus. I’m thinking Azotus was where the Lord felt was the greatest need for Philip to preach the gospel. So, that’s why He had to carry Philip away from the eunuch so suddenly – Philip had lots of preaching work to do.
Do you think that Philip literally disappeared and then re-appeared? If so, why?
Leave your responses in the comments! I’m anxious to hear what everybody has to say! I realize people will interpret this scripture in different ways and I think we can get a discussion going! I hope you “enjoyed” the meal!
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