My Birthday Gift!

My birthday is today and my hubby purchased me a Kindle! It’s certainly taken me long enough to get an e-reader! Until today, I’ve always used the Kindle for PC, and I used the PC Kindle to download freebies and I’ve purchased a couple of items on the PC Kindle. It’s nice to now have a REAL KINDLE, though! To test out my new Kindle I purchased a book. My first Kindle purchase?

A Good Excuse To Be Bad by Miranda Parker! πŸ™‚

~Cecelia Dowdy~

12 thoughts on “My Birthday Gift!

  1. Sheri Salatin

    Yay! I got a Kindle for my birthday in January and love it. I always thought that I would only like paper copies of books, but I’m learning that I can like e-version too. πŸ™‚ Hope you enjoy it!

  2. Tattie

    I’ve had my kindle for over a year now and I love it. It’s easy to build up a library too. I have over 1200 books now! Come check out my new blog I just started. I’m blogging about christian fiction e-books for your kindle.
    It’s still in it’s beginning stage but I’m having a lot of fun with it! And let me know when you have another giveaway, I’d love to blog about it.

  3. Cecelia Dowdy

    Tattie, thanks for commenting. I don’t do giveaways often. The best way to find out when I have one is to visit frequently or simply subscribe to my blog. I’ll check out your website tomorrow. I’m tired tonight and will be going to bed early.


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