I’m taking a break from my regular blog topics today to talk about the Next Food Network Star TV show.
I must say that I was a bit disappointed that Jeff won!
I was kinda rooting for Susie. I thought she was more warm and personable than Jeff. Anyway, he won, so congrats to Jeff!
Have you been watching the Next Food Network Star competition? If so, who were you rooting for?
Jeff is good but I was rooting for Susie…I think we may see Vic and Susie cooking again.
Hi, Wanda
Yeah, I think we may see Vic and Susie again, too. I thought Vic was a good candidate also. Nothing wrong with Jeff, of course. I just thought that Susie was the strongest of the three, Vic next, and then Jeff. That’s my opinion, anyway.
Hey, I learned something new on last night’s program…Susie taughte me this: I didn’t realize that you could eat CACTUS!!?? I’d never heard of doing that before. Remember, Susie made a cactus salad for the judges.
I liked Jeff so I’m okay with his win. I also liked Susie, and so did the judges. I suspect we’ll see her pop up on FN as other non-winners have done.
Yes, I’m pretty sure she’ll pop up sooner or later. I saw a few of the non-winners from a previous season yesterday on a Food Network challenge. They were in a cooking competition to win money for their charity of choice. I found this
Wikipedia link
interesting. I didn’t realize the Hearty Boys were the first Food Network Star winners. I’d thought it was Guy Ferrarri(sp?)
I’ve watched all of the competitions except for the first one. I’ve also watched all the winner’s shows, but, not necessarily each episode. I’d noticd that Amy Finley disappered and I’d thought her show was cancelled. Didn’t realize she declined to continue the series so that she could relocate to France.
I admit I’ve been a little disappointed with the competition for a while now. They haven’t had much luck creating breakout stars since Guy won. But I don’t watch the daytime (i.e. “cook shows”) bloc so others may disagree with me …
Alex, I LOVE the daytime cooking shows moreso than the evening shows. I really like watching people in the kitchen preparing a meal instead of the competitions (with the exception of the Next Food Network Star competition).
I don’t really like watching people visit diners, factories, etc. I wanna see somebody making a meal!
I’d definitely watch the daytime shows if I could cook : ) Of course, maybe I would LEARN how to cook well if I watched!
Alex, I’m not much of a cook myself. I just enjoy watching the shows!

I really love baking sweet treats, though!