Daily Archives: November 14, 2011

The Incredibles! :-)

Do you have any favorite books that you’ve read in 2011? If so, what are they?

The Incredibles – no, I’m not talking about the Disney animated movie! I’ve decided to use that term to describe the four books mentioned in this blog post. I did a similiar blog post here.

These three novels are the best I’ve read in 2011, so far. What makes them incredible? Various reasons. Keep in mind that I didn’t scroll through my blog, making a decision about the top three books. For the MOST PART, these are books that keep coming to my mind, long after I’ve read them, over and over. I’ve read a TON of great books over this year, however, all books won’t stick in my mind as frequently as these. Also keep in mind that these are books that I’ve READ in 2011 – it doesn’t necessarily mean that the books were PUBLISHED in 2011! So here’s Cecelia Dowdy’s list of The Incredibles!:


Courting Trouble by Deeanne Gist
This book made the list because it was compelling, spicy, Christian romance and I found myself going back, reading pages over again. I NEVER do that! This is the first book I’ve read by this author and I look forward to reading more!


A Whisper Of Peace by Kim Vogel Sawyer This book made the list because the heroine was strong, independent and likeable. Also, I think Kim did a great job dealing with the issues of race and reconciliation in this book. The setting was spectacular and I know I’ll be thinking about this book for a long time!


A Heart Revealed by Julie Lessman This book made the list because it’s hot and spicy romance that I’ll remember for a long time. This story was about two hurt, broken people falling in love while overcoming great obstacles. Also, it was nice visiting the O’Connors again – I honestly think this is one of my favorite fictional families! I also liked how she wrote about a woman who is scarred/disfigured. You feel sympathetic to the heroine and you’re drawn into the story from the first page.

So, there’s my list! What are your favorite reads for 2011?

~Cecelia Dowdy~