Daily Archives: February 24, 2012

Dave Ramsey – Financial Peace University

Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey

Have you ever participated in Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University? If so, what’d you think about it?

Ok, I’m actually reviewing a non-fiction title for the first time in ages. My husband decided we needed to read this book together in order to get our finances in order. Initially, he wanted to do Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University through our church. I told hubby that I didn’t have time to attend Ramsey’s FPU and I could already give him a rundown of some of the items that Ramsey would cover both in the University and in his book. It turns out I was pretty accurate.

I thought this book gave good, practical, Christian advice about managing your finances. A lot of the material I was familiar with because, back in my earlier days, I was deep in debt and I used my highly practical mind to get myself out. A lot of the things that I did to get my finances in order back then were covered in Ramsey’s book. He talks about creating a Debt Snowball where you list all your debts and then pay off the ones with the lowest balances first. He also covers other topics such as savings, mutual funds, retirement accounts, etc.

My finances were in order until I got married and we had a child. Things just got kind of haywire and I didn’t give finances the attention they deserved as I did in my earlier/single years.

A lot of the stuff in this book was familiar to me bacause I have a degree in Finance and I work in the accounting/finance field. I don’t really talk about that much on this blog since my passion is fiction writing.

So, have you ever participated in Ramsey’s Financial Peace University? If so, what’d you think about it?

~Cecelia Dowdy~