I’ve Always Wanted To Write A Book…

I hear that a lot when folks find out that I am an author. Usually, if the person is focusing on Christian Fiction, I’ll point them to ACFW. I just found out that ACFW has an informational video. You can see it here.

I also want to remind you that Milk Money is now available on Kindle for only $3.99. Read this sweet, inspirational story about a dairy farmer who falls in love with her accountant! 🙂

~Cecelia Dowdy~

8 thoughts on “I’ve Always Wanted To Write A Book…

  1. Cecelia Dowdy

    Tell me about it, Tracy! I’ve found when most people say this, they’re not really serious about it. Half of the time, they admit that they don’t even like to read! Go figure!

  2. Cecelia Dowdy

    Lynda, that’s so true. Another thing, too. Back when I first started writing, there was NO INTERNET – or, the internet wasn’t really used like it is now. I wish aspiring authors would use the internet to at least get a feel for what’s out there.
    Anyway, another question I get all the time is, “I want to get started but don’t know what to do.” For me to give basic information would take HOURS, literally, if that’s what they want to do. I recommend a writers’ conference and I sometimes wish people who want to get published would start by doing a simple Google search on getting a book published. Granted, you’ll get tons of stuff, but, at least when they ask questions, they can get more specific about what they want to do, and I can give a more specific response. Like figuring out if they want to self-publish or commercially publish – that’s one of the first things they’d need to determine before proceeding.

  3. Julie Jarnagin

    That’s great that your book is an ebook now. I haven’t heard when mine will be released as ebooks.

    My standard response to people who tell me they want to write is, “If I can do it, you can do it.” And it’s absolutely true…if they’ll commit to the hard work, which isn’t always the case.

  4. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Julie

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I should just tell people, when they tell me that they want to write a book, that it took me five and a half years of hard work before I landed my first book contract!

  5. Karen Lange

    Thanks for the link to the video. ACFW has such great resources.

    Hmm, my husband has a Kindle. Wonder if he would mind if I downloaded Milk Money? 🙂

    Have a great weekend,

  6. Cecelia Dowdy

    Karen, yes, download Milk Money if you wish! Out of all my books, it’s my favorite one! Hopefully, your husband won’t mind if you get it! I hope you have a blessed day!


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