A Treasure Revealed By Pamela Griffin

A Treasure Revealed

A Treasure Revealed is also one of the stories included in the Silver Mountains anthology.

This is an enjoyable historical romance that deals with sibling rivalry. Clay is bitter – he finds it hard to forgive his brother Derek for leaving him when he was a youngster. Derek was not around when their mother died, and as a result, Clay has had some rough times, trying to make it own his own as a youngster, since he’d been abandoned by both Derek and his father. Also, it appears that Derek also tried to strike it rich on his own by taking their father’s treasure map and looking for their deceased father’s silver mine.

When Clay finds Meagan wandering in the dessert, he’s very puzzled by the frazzled, injured woman who doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on. Her hands have been burned, and he wonders what’s happened to her. He brings her back to Derek’s wife, an Indian named Linda who can help Meagan to heal. Now forced to deal with his deceitful brother, Clay doesn’t think he can find it in his heart to forgive his sibling.

While Meagan is given medical care by Derek’s wife, Linda, she must face her own demons. She’s partially lost her memory, and wonders what has become of her family. Clay is smitten with beautiful Meagan. Meagan is illiterate, and Clay reads the Bible to her. Both Clay and Meagan deal with their attraction as they learn about God and salvation.

This is a Heartsong that I had lying around my house. I picked it up the other day and I was immediately hooked into the story. I think I really enjoyed watching the story unfold because a family is divided over a silver mine. This was a realistic conflict since families are often divided by money matters. It’s also a short, sweet story that you’ll be able to finish in a few hours. Overall, I thought the author did a superb job with the setting, the characters, and the plot.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

2 thoughts on “A Treasure Revealed By Pamela Griffin

  1. Brandi

    I like love stories that also deal with tough issues. Looking forward to reading how Derek and Meagan overcome this adversity.

    Have a good weekend!


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