Photo courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti
This blog post is a repeat of an earlier blog post! Enjoy, and don’t forget to leave a comment!
Do you think that the Lord speaks to us in our dreams?
Last night, I had a vivid dream. I was at my parents’ house and some people that I knew in my childhood came to visit. They’d bought knick-knacks and cards and they were decorating our kitchen. The items that they were decorating with had to do with salvation and they were proclaiming to me that they were saved now. I had not thought of these people in decades, so, it was surprising that they showed up in my dream last night. Not sure why they came to mind? It’s possible that Jesus placed these people into my heart last night for a reason.
So, do you think the Lord can speak to us in our dreams? I know in the Old Testament, the Lord would speak to his followers with dreams, giving them important messages and advice. I’ve often wondered if there are others out there, who share a close, dream-like relationship with the Lord as the prophets in the Old Testament? Things appeared much different back then and the Lord seemed to speak more directly to his followers in the Old Testament.
Feel free to leave a comment about the bolded question above. It’d be interesting to hear your thoughts.
I also wanted to mention that Barbour Publishing has recently re-released my novel, Milk Money, in e-book format! It’s available for only $3.99!
Emily can’t keep running her dairy farm all alone. When her dad dies, Emily Cooper must work hard to save the family farm. She manages—until the day a CPA pulls in her driveway and announces he’s there to do an audit. Franklin Reese is appalled at the lack of interest the Cooper women have in the financial aspect of their livelihood, but he dives in, determined to help them learn. The further he looks into Mr. Cooper’s dealings, however, the more uncomfortable he becomes. Can he uncover the truth of the situation and still earn the love of the amazing Emily Cooper? Or will issues in Franklin’s own life keep them apart, even after the farm is taken care of?