Daily Archives: March 9, 2012

I Knew I Wanted To Be A Writer When… – From The Blog Archives!

Photo courtesy of Vintage Little People.

Do you remember when you first discovered you wanted to be a writer?

When I was a kid, I used to play with the Fisher Price Little People with my sister. I’d think up a whole plot (kind of like a synopsis) and then I’d act the story out with the people. My sister loved playing with the Little People with me because she loved my stories!

When I was about ten years old, I wrote a book entitled Candyland. It was about a set of twins named Fred and Susan and they find this magical land where everything was made of big, yummy candy! I made my own book cover – a piece of paper colored with purple crayon and the words Candyland were colored with red crayon.

I used to tell people that I didn’t realize that I wanted to be a writer until I was twenty-eight. However, as I look back on my life, there are certain things that I’ve done that indicate that I really should’ve discovered my writing passion way before my late twenties. I’ve always been an avid reader, too, which can sometimes indicate that one is a writer.

Are you a writer? If so, are there writer-type things that you’ve done throughout your life? Share your answers with a comment!

~Cecelia Dowdy~