Photo courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti
This blog post is a repeat of an earlier blog post! Enjoy, and don’t forget to leave a comment!
Do you think that the Lord speaks to us in our dreams?
Last night, I had a vivid dream. I was at my parents’ house and some people that I knew in my childhood came to visit. They’d bought knick-knacks and cards and they were decorating our kitchen. The items that they were decorating with had to do with salvation and they were proclaiming to me that they were saved now. I had not thought of these people in decades, so, it was surprising that they showed up in my dream last night. Not sure why they came to mind? It’s possible that Jesus placed these people into my heart last night for a reason.
So, do you think the Lord can speak to us in our dreams? I know in the Old Testament, the Lord would speak to his followers with dreams, giving them important messages and advice. I’ve often wondered if there are others out there, who share a close, dream-like relationship with the Lord as the prophets in the Old Testament? Things appeared much different back then and the Lord seemed to speak more directly to his followers in the Old Testament.
Feel free to leave a comment about the bolded question above. It’d be interesting to hear your thoughts.
I also wanted to mention that Barbour Publishing has recently re-released my novel, Milk Money, in e-book format! It’s available for only $3.99!
Emily can’t keep running her dairy farm all alone. When her dad dies, Emily Cooper must work hard to save the family farm. She manages—until the day a CPA pulls in her driveway and announces he’s there to do an audit. Franklin Reese is appalled at the lack of interest the Cooper women have in the financial aspect of their livelihood, but he dives in, determined to help them learn. The further he looks into Mr. Cooper’s dealings, however, the more uncomfortable he becomes. Can he uncover the truth of the situation and still earn the love of the amazing Emily Cooper? Or will issues in Franklin’s own life keep them apart, even after the farm is taken care of?
That’s a tough one….certainly the Lord has spoken to His people through dreams in the past, as evidenced in the Bible. So, He sure can if He chooses.
Thanks for stopping by Cecelia’s Christian Fiction Blog and commenting, Anonymous. Yes, it’s tough to know if the Lord still speaks to His people in dreams. I do know that some dreams are psychological – but I guess it’s possible for the Lord to still speak to us via dreams.
Cecelia, I know for a fact that the Lord speaks to some of His people in dreams, still, to this very day. Dreams come to warn us, encourage us, and/or instruct us.
If you ever get a chance to speak to these people from your past who were in your dream, I hope it comes up as to whether they are saved now or not. (My guess is, that they are).
I dream alot myself. And there’s a book out there by a man named Nathan Smalley (I forgot the name of his book, but I know it’s about dreams, and the meanings behind them).
Mr. Smalley has definitions in his dreams about what certain symbols, colors, places, etc. and what they mean.
Anyway, pray for those in your dream and sorry about the rambling. Dreams and the Lord are subjects that are kind of close to my heart, (along with knitting, and crocheting).
Z – Thanks for responding. I’m glad that you shared your insight. I’ve had other dreams that people have mentioned were messages from the Lord. I dream a lot, too. I can usually remember some aspects from most of my dreams.
– Cecelia –
You should write your dreams down. Like right away. Right after you have them if you can. Just put a pad and pen by your bed, and then write then down first thing in the morning.
Then pray over them too.
God may be using you as an intercessor in some way for the people or things that happen in your dream.
And your welcome for my response. My pleasure. (I don’t comment much on other people’s blogs
anymore, I just don’t have the time, but I will try and stop by yours when I have am able and see how you are doing).
Z – I will try to write my dreams down. I’ve tried doing that before, but, I’m just kinda lazy. When I wake up, unless I’m gonna get up for the day, I just roll over and fall back to sleep. I’ll probably try and make more of an effort in the future.
In one of my prior writing groups, the group leader had advised us to write our dreams down and that’s why I’d initially started doing it, but, it’s kinda hard to do that in the middle of the night.
Yeah, I’m glad you stopped by my blog, though. I know how much time and effort it takes to visit different blogs and comment regularly.
– Cecelia –
Ask God to help you out with writing them down. Because I used to do the same thing you did, then I started asking God to help me, and He has. And now, it’s become automatic. And it’s not as hard as it used to be to write the dreams down.
And yes, it takes tons of time and effort. I’ve been blogging now for I think almost two years, and I won’t say I’m burnt out, but I will say, I don’t have blogging in my top ten things to do for the day.
Have a great rest of the day my dear.
It’s so strange when you dream about something and then it comes true within the next week isn’t it…? That’s why I get so nervous after I’ve had a bad dream.
Luca, I’m glad you stopped by my blog and left a comment. It’s always nice to hear from new visitors. I know what you mean about being nervous after having a bad dream. Last night, I dreamed that one of my co-workers had gotten fired. I just hope and pray that doesn’t happen!