Writers Conferences – From The Blog Archives

Have you ever been to a writers’ conference?

I found the publisher for my first book through a direct contact at a writers’ conference. I used to attend the Romance Writers of America Conference every year and I met Tracie Peterson (the former editor of Barbour Publishing’s Heartsong Presents line). Although Tracie didn’t offer me a contract for my story, when her former colleague, Stephen Reginald, was looking for an African American Christian Fiction author to write a novel for a special 3-in-1 collection for Crossings Book Club, he contacted Tracie for suggestions and she gave him my name. As a result, I landed the contract for Someone For Toni, my first book in the novel collection entitled Promises To Keep that was released back in 2002.

My second romance was sold through the direct contact at a conference hosted by a local Romance Writers of America Chapter (Washington Romance Writers). I met with a Harlequin editor who referred me to Krista Stroever, who was a new editor for Love Inspired at the time. I submitted and made a sale to Love Inspired three weeks later.

I now attend conferences sponsored by American Christian Fiction Writers. I’ve sold three more romance novels since I’ve begun fellowshipping with this wonderful group of writers and they have a conference each year that is totally awesome! I recommend attending this event if you’re serious about pursuing commercial publication.

Also, at writers’ conferences, you have the luxury of forming new friendships with fellow writers and you’ll get to meet some best-selling authors that you may have admired for years, and meeting these authors is a treat!

So, have you been to a writers’ conference before? Which one did you attend? Was it a positive experience? Tell us about it in the comments section!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

10 thoughts on “Writers Conferences – From The Blog Archives

  1. Linda Leigh Hargrove

    Hi, Cecelia. I’ve been to one conference primarily–Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference near Asheville, NC. Although none of my three visits there have resulted in a contract, I have made some valuable friendships with other writers and editors during the conference.

    This year, I hope to attend the ACFW annual conference. I’ve been a member for more than 3 years but I’ve never been able to afford it until this year. So hopefully, I’ll see you there.

  2. Lisa Buffaloe

    Writer’s conferences are such a blessing. I love learning new techniques, and I Love meeting writer friends. Where else can you discuss plot plans and talk about characters without someone thinking you have lost your marbles? Ah, such fun!!

  3. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hey Linda! I hope to attend this year, but it’s hard to say. I was commenting about this to another author the other day. It’s $515 for ACFW conference fee, then you have to add in hotel room and airline ticket. Pretty hefty when you add it up! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go this year, but, I’m thinking about it!

  4. cbalmony

    I went to the ACFW Conference last year and was forever changed. Met lots of wonderful people and even sat next to a favorite author. I plan to go again this year. Can’t wait!

  5. Leslie Payne

    On the local level I’ve been to one conference (Bay to Ocean), it was a good introduction to how things work. Since then I’ve been to Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers’ Conference and also “Writing His Answer.”

    The best part is meeting others in the field and the relationships that develop. And of course the learning, there’s so much to learn! Working at my desk can be a challenge, the conferences are the fun part! :0)

  6. Donna Brennan

    Hi, Cecelia. My favorite conference has to the be Greater Philadelphia Area Christian Writers Conference at Philadelphia Biblical University each August. The cost is very reasonable, you can attend one, two, or three days, you can stay riht on campus (for a great rate), lots of agent/editor appointmens available, and lots of praise and worship time. It’s a great experience in developing your craft, fellowshiping with other writers, and learning to follow God’s leading for your writing.

    It’s sister conference is held in Colorado each year at the Estes Park Center. I would love to make it to that conference at least once, not only for the conference itself and the fellowship, but the scenery looks breathtaking.

    This year the Colorado conference is taking place May 16-19. The cost is so reasonable (just over $300 for all three days), and the cost of food is included in the lodging cost (which is also reasonable). They will even match you with a roommate to cut the lodging cost even more.

    I encourage folks to check it out:

    The Philly website is:
    but that one doesn’t have all the current information up yet.

    Thanks for your website, Cecelia, and for the opportunity to share what works for us!

  7. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Donna

    I appreciate your mentioning the Philadelphia Christian Writers’ Conference. I’m also glad that you provided the links. I did attend this conference one time and I did enjoy myself. I also recently recommended it to somebody that I know at my church. It’s a great conference to attend – especially if you’re within driving distance and going away to ACFW could/would prove too expensive.


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