Daily Archives: April 21, 2012

Question From A Writer

Alexis wrote to ask the following question:

I’m a writer too trying to break into it full-time. Any advice?
Thanks for writing Alexis. Your email mentioned that you’re a member of ACFW, so, you’re off to a good start by being a member of that organization. As far as writing full-time, that’s hard to do. Most writers (including myself) have full-time jobs, or, they have another income to depend on (like the income of a spouse, or, perhaps they’re getting retirement income.) I work full-time as a financial analyst, so, if I were forced to live off my writing income, I’d be in the poor house!
I recall literary agent Chip Macgregor has blogged about quitting your full-time job for your writing career. I believe he said you should have a number of future contracts in place, also, you should have at least six months worth of income in the bank that’ll be enough to pay all of your bills.
You might want to consider going to the ACFW conference in the fall. I know it’s kind of pricey, but, I feel it’s well worth the money if you want to break into the Christian fiction market!