Which do you prefer, male or female novelists?
I’ve been an avid reader for as long as I can remember, but, when I think back in time to the stories I’ve read in my life, it appears that I seem to be partial to female authors. This isn’t intentional, but, when I think about the stories that I’ve read, about 90% of the authors are female and about 10% are male. Why? I don’t know. I guess since I’m a woman, maybe I can relate to the stories of romance and women’s fiction – which are usually written by females, more so than the novels penned by males.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I’ve read a lot of great books by male authors over the years, but when I’m in a bookstore, scanning the shelves, looking for great books, or, when I’m on Amazon or Barnes And Noble.com, looking for a novel to purchase, I usually end up purchasing a female author!
On my this blog, I do book reviews. If you scan through the old posts, you’ll see that most of the books that I review are by female authors.
So, what’s your preference, male or female novelists, and why do you believe you have a preference? Please share your responses with in the comments!
Hi, Ceclia.
I’m a male author. As a reader, I tend to look at male authors. That said, I’ve read and enjoyed female authors.
While I may be partial to other male authors, it is the title and synopsis that catches my attention. My personal attraction is to adventure with some romance.
I’m not sure I could handle most of the romance novels out there, but I have read romance novels set within historic eras and liked them.
Hi, Frederick. Yes, most romance readers are women, but, there are some men romance readers out there too! I have a future blog post scheduled about men reading romance novels! I hope you have a blessed day!
When I started really reading fiction, I read mostly males. I was in my early twenties and looking for action and adventure in my stories. However, I was too often put off by the way the women in the story were viewed. Maybe the author gave a passing nod to her intelligence, but then he’d expound a page or too on her beauty. I read mainstream back then. Then, I went through a “classics” phase. Got into Dickens, Jane Austen and George MacDonald. Now, I read mostly romance or something with a romance thread. I think it has to do with being in midlife :o). I read mostly female authors because they seem to write deep, emotional, POV better. I like to feel the story right along with the character, so this is important to me.
Cbalmony, doesn’t surprise me that a male novelist would talk about a women’s brains for a bit, and then expand upon her beauty!
I do find I enjoy female novelists moreso than males. I think I’m more emotionally connected with stories penned by females.