Monthly Archives: April 2012

Do You Prefer Male Or Female Novelists? – From The Blog Archives

Which do you prefer, male or female novelists?

I’ve been an avid reader for as long as I can remember, but, when I think back in time to the stories I’ve read in my life, it appears that I seem to be partial to female authors. This isn’t intentional, but, when I think about the stories that I’ve read, about 90% of the authors are female and about 10% are male. Why? I don’t know. I guess since I’m a woman, maybe I can relate to the stories of romance and women’s fiction – which are usually written by females, more so than the novels penned by males.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I’ve read a lot of great books by male authors over the years, but when I’m in a bookstore, scanning the shelves, looking for great books, or, when I’m on Amazon or Barnes And, looking for a novel to purchase, I usually end up purchasing a female author!

On my this blog, I do book reviews. If you scan through the old posts, you’ll see that most of the books that I review are by female authors.

So, what’s your preference, male or female novelists, and why do you believe you have a preference? Please share your responses with in the comments!

~Cecelia Dowdy~