How Much Should You Get Paid To Write A Novel?

How much should you get paid to write a novel?

Read this insightful blog post by Steve Laube. Steve has also linked to the following articles. You should read these, too, if you want to know a bit about the financial gain from writing novels:
Eric Wilson’s blog post -Eric only made an average of $22,500 per year for ten years, which is not a lot of money and he’s made the NY Times Bestseller List.
Ann Von Peterson – She states she will never sign another contract with Harlequin. Read the blog post to find out why.

So, how much do you feel an author should get paid to write a novel? Leave a comment!

~Cecelia Dowdy~

3 thoughts on “How Much Should You Get Paid To Write A Novel?

  1. ochanya

    Like a million bucks… lol, just kidding I have no idea… I tagged you in the eleven things though you don’t fit into the rules… but would like to know you.
    Hopr you get to it soon.

  2. Tiara

    I’m not sure how much I should get paid to write a novel. I’ve read the blogs/articles you attached with this one and I do know one thing, when I do publish my first novel, I will be doing it the traditional way. I believe my manuscript has a message for people all around the world to read. I feel I won’t be able to reach as many people if I chose to self publish. As for how much I should get paid, I’ll have to pray about that one.

  3. Cecelia Dowdy

    Hi, Ochanya – I haven’t seen anything, but will keep an eye out for the eleven things.

    Tiara, I understand completely. I’ve often toyed with the idea of self-publishing, but, I cling to the goal of getting another traditionally pubbed book in print.

    Thanks, both for commenting.


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