Locust photo courtesy of Free Digital Photos.
***This is a repeat of an old blog post.
Matthew 3:4 Now John himself was clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey.
Locusts and wild honey? I’ve always wondered about this. I wish there were more details. John The Baptist wandered around the wilderness dressed in a garment made with camel’s hair, preaching the gospel and he ate locusts and wild honey? I’m wondering if the locusts were alive when he ate them, or if he cooked them over a fire before eating? How does one eat a locust? I’m wondering how easy it was to gather the locusts and wild honey for his meals? If you have any knowledge about this, feel free to share. It just doesn’t sound like an appetizing diet to me. I’m thinking he had other things to eat, but it appears that he may have eaten the locusts and wild honey quite frequently?
Share your thoughts with a comment! I hope everybody has a blessed Sunday!
– Cecelia –
Hey there!
That’s a good question. I know they didn’t eat back then like we eat now. I know that much because I bought myself a book a long time ago called “The Maker’s Diet”. And one thing I remember him saying was that the diets back then were fresher and I think less processed (of course) then they are now.
Also, I saw a documentary years and years ago, about a country in Africa, where they eat bugs. And that is part of their daily diet.
I would imagine he ate locusts and honey all the time. I guess you could say what didn’t kill him, made him stronger? (Proetein from the locusts maybe?)
Have a great day!
Hi, Z
I appreciate your stopping by to comment. Yes, I’d imagine their diet back then being a lot more simpler, purer, fresher than we have today. I’d think they’d have to work pretty hard for their food, too. John couldn’t just walk to the grocery store to get his honey. I’d imagine he’d have to find a hive of bees and somehow get that honeycomb.
Also, they didn’t have the variety of foods that we have now, either. So, that may be why they had to eat bugs sometimes.
– Cecelia –
Yeah, I agree. Not much variety.
Oh well. Anyway, we probably eat more bugs than we realize.
Like when we’re asleep, what crawls in our mouth at night? Or what about the food we eat? Who know’s how many bugs died in that canned food we opened?
Hi, Z
I read an article the other day about a man who found a deep-fried cockroach in his McDonald’s hash brown! Yucky!
– Cecelia –
Yuck, is right!! Fried cockroach in your food?? Doesn’t sound very tasty!