5 thoughts on “Happy Birthday To Me! :-)

  1. Judi

    Yes, hope your birthday was special.
    Regarding your comments on Revelation 22:18-19: It can be confusing, as God meant for us to follow His Word as He inspired it. There are many translations that seem to make some changes, but it order to know what the texts mean, it may be necessary to compare the KJV with your version. There is so much controversy over this subject. I compare 2-4 different versions to get the message as I believe it was meant to be. Yet, some people in the Bible/Preaching business seem to teach things that are not in the Bible. See:
    Mark 7:8-9
    King James Version (KJV)

    8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.

    9 And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.

    Then notice: Mark 7:8-9
    New Century Version (NCV)

    8 You have stopped following the commands of God, and you follow only human teachings.”[a]
    9 Then Jesus said to them, “You cleverly ignore the commands of God so you can follow your own teachings.

    Mark 7:8 teachings Some Greek copies continue, “You wash pitchers and jugs and do many other such things.”

    Here you will notice that in this text, the one translation seems to make the other a little more clear without changing the meaning.
    I use several translations because sometimes they don’t seem to agree enough using a certain translation. Also there are Bibles called Parallel Bibles with up to 4 translations on two pages facing, so you can see the way these different translations interact or contradict. It is so important to compare because as the text I used as comparisons states that man has a tendency to do what he things is best rather than what the Holy Inspired Word says. I hope this helps in discussing this subject.

    1. novelistcd Post author

      Hi, Judy

      Thanks for the birthday wishes. All, Judy’s comment about Revelations deals with the Sunday Brunch blog post (located right below my birthday blog post).

      Yes, I think it’s human nature for man to do what HE thinks is best instead of what’s inspired by God’s Holy Word. I think we, as humans, can be pretty stubborn at times, thinking we know best. Sometimes, it’s hard to put our thoughts and opinions aside and just focus on God and see what He wants us to do.

      Comparing different interpretations of the Bible is a neat thing to do. I believe it’ll help us to see what God’s Holy Word is really telling us. It is mighty difficult to discover which Bible is closet to the original Bible Canons.


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