Monthly Archives: August 2012

Forbes Magazine Listed The Top-Earning Authors of 2011


Top earning authors of 2011 from Forbes Magazine

Here’s the complete list with all of the names. I’ve also copied and pasted below:

James Patterson ($94 million)

Stephen King ($39 million)

Janet Evanovich ($33 million)

John Grisham ($26 million)

Jeff Kinney ($25 million)

Bill O’Reilly ($24 million)

Nora Roberts ($23 million)

Danielle Steel ($23 million)

Suzanne Collins ($20 million)

Dean Koontz ($19 million)

J. K. Rowling ($17 million)

George R. R. Martin ($15 million)

Stephenie Meyer ($14 million)

Ken Follett ($14 million)

Rick Riordan ($13 million)

Just curious, does the list surprise you? Have you ever met any of the authors on this list?

The only one I’ve ever met is Nora Roberts. She’s a member of my local RWA chapter and she’ll sometimes attend the yearly retreat.

I’ll be honest – I’d like to be on this list!

~Cecelia Dowdy~





Sunday Brunch! Shunning!

Have you ever had anybody shunned/kicked-out/ex-communicated from your church? If so, what happened? Why was this person released from the church? Did the church now deem this person as unsaved?

I ask these questions because I’ve been talking about the subject of shunning over the last few weeks on the blog posts here and here. I realize the Amish, Mennonites, Jehovah’s Witnesses and some other religious groups shun. Yet, there are other Christian-based religions who ex-communicate. I’m just trying to reconcile this practice with scripture. I’ve heard that, at times, those who have been shunned are more likely to commit suicide since they are now separated and ignored by family members and loved ones from their home church.

While I was involved with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, I did see some people shunned. It just didn’t seem right to me, but, the Jehovah’s Witnesses always provided scriptures to back up their actions. Even when they did this, it still didn’t seem right. I mean, if someone is truly hurting, or, if said person is asking lots of questions, maybe even questioning the church leaders about church doctrine, then such a person should not be shunned if all they’re doing is seeking truth. Also, I don’t feel that the Lord would want to drive a person to suicide – but, if person has been shunned, then, perhaps, the shunners feel that the shunned person is more susceptible to Satan, therefore making him more vulnerable to hurting him/herself?

What are your thoughts about shunning/excommunicating? Should it be done? Or, should there be a method in place so that the shunned/ex-communicated member still has contact of some sort with their family? Leave a comment!

Below are some scriptures that tell about this thought-provoking subject:

2 Thessalonians 3:14-15: “Take note of those who refuse to obey what we say in this letter. Stay away from them so they will be ashamed. Don’t think of them as enemies, but warn them as you would a brother or sister.”

1 Corinthians 5:12-13 “It isn’t my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who are sinning. God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, ‘You must remove the evil person from among you.’ “

Galatians 6:1 “Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.”

~Cecelia Dowdy~



Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer

Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer

Can you imagine dreaming about your childhood Prince Charming for years, and then marrying him as an adult?

When Meredith Hayes stepped onto the forbidden Archer land as a child, she was only trying to obtain her scattered lunch pail that had been hoisted by a town bully. Dared by other schoolmates, she bravely steps onto the land only to have her leg caught in a steel trap. When handsome Travis Archer comes to her rescue, she discovers that the reclusive Archer brother is not mean and evil as the townsfolk claim. He gets her out of the trap, setting her on her way home.

Now, several years later, Meredith is an adult and she suffers from a gimp leg as a result of the steel-trap accident. Over the years, she’s dreamed about Travis Archer as being her Prince Charming. She’s now devastated that her current guardians, her aunt and uncle, want her to marry terrible Roy Mitchell. Roy only wants to marry Meredith for her land – having control over her land could greatly increase Roy’s wealth. After overhearing Roy give orders to set fire to the Archer property, hoping to force them to sell their land, Meredith feels she can’t sit around and watch the Archers suffer. She sneaks onto the property to warn them of the attack, wanting to return the kindness that Travis showed her several years ago. However, the Archer brothers, especially Travis, are dumbstruck when a woman comes limping onto their property with her warning.

The Archers are recluses, hardly receiving any visitors as they ban others from their property. Meredith’s sudden presence throws a HUGE monkey-wrench into their lives. When she’s kicked by a mule and injured, she’s forced to spend the night on the Archer property. Staying overnight with a houseful of men ruin’s Meredith’s reputation and she’s forced to marry one of the Archer brothers – Travis, of course! 🙂

This book was a real treat for me to read and I loved how the story unfolded. Travis and his brothers have little contact with the outside world due to a promise Travis made to his dying father. Since they live as hermits, their lives are thrown into turmoil when Meredith arrives. Meredith’s kindness, thoughtfulness, and gentle nature reach out to Travis’s wounded spirit, making him see that shutting others out is not always the right thing to do. I also thought the marriage of convenience between Travis and Meredith was touching. I guess I felt that way because I know that Meredith has been dreaming about Travis for years, and Travis is smitten when Meredith shows up on his property again, years later.

The characters in this novel are so well-developed and the plot was excellent. The story moved forward and you were anxious to see what happened to Travis and Meredith once they tied the knot.

Many thanks to Bethany House for sending me a free review copy. I highly appreciated this wonderful novel!

Have you ever had a childhood crush that lasted for years? Leave a comment!

~Cecelia Dowdy~



John’s Quest – Now Available On Kindle And Other E-readers

My novel, John’s Quest, is now available on Kindle and other e-readers!

It’s amazing how quickly life can change. Overnight, Monica Crawford finds her neatly organized world turned upside down. Her sister abandons her blind son, Scotty, leaving him on Monica’s doorstep. Caring for a handicapped child brings unexpected conflict-but unexpected joy as well. When John French volunteers to tutor Scotty, he finds himself irresistibly drawn to Monica. But John and Monica are very different. She is a strong believer, determined to live her life for Christ. John is an agnostic who wants nothing to do with God.Will John see the light? Will Monica realize that sometimes letting go of a dream is the way to achieve it? Only in full surrender will either of them be happy- whether they end up together or alone.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Saturday Matinee! Worlds Apart

***Note – this is a foreign movie with English subtitles.

Can you imagine being ousted from the only church you’ve ever known and shunned by your family? Can you imagine being left all alone in the world? What would you do if you were in this situation?

Seventeen-year-old Sara is a devout Jehovah’s Witness. When she goes to a party at a club, hosted by her J.W. friend, Thea, she meets Teis. Teis doesn’t believe in God and he finds Sara’s religion extremely confusing and unfair. Since she is not allowed to date Teis, she meets him secretly, lying to her father that she is out late with Thea doing homework.Teis is smitten with Sara, and he questions her beliefs.

When they are out on their first date, Sara runs into her brother, whom she has not seen in over a year. Teis is disturbed by the conversation he hears between Sara and her brother. Afterwards, Sara reveals that her brother was expelled from the J.W. congregation, and her family is no longer allowed to talk to him. If a practicing J.W. is caught speaking to an expelled (disfellowshipped) member, then the practicing J.W. risks being expelled him/herself.

In the midst of Sara’s romance, her parents go through their own trials. Her father has been unfaithful, and her parents are now separated. The children don’t understand why their mother won’t forgive their father for his sins since he’s repented and is sorry for what he’s done. Sara and her two siblings agree to stay with their dad because they feel he is the parent who is doing what is “right” – repenting. They feel their mother is “wrong” for not forgiving their father for his sin.

When their mother moves out, Sara discovers that her mom had other reasons for moving out on her own. Her mom wants to be able to secretly see her son who was expelled from the church – it’s easier for her to do this when she’s living in her own place.Sara and Teis’s romance deepens and soon, they move in together. Sara convinces her mother to lie for her, stating that Sara’s living with her mother instead of Teis. However, the elders in her congregation find out about Sara’s transgression and things get out of hand from there.

I didn’t really have a positive opinion about Sara’s JW friend, Thea. Thea initially encourages the romance between Teis and Sara, plus, Sara meets Teis at Thea’s party. Then, after encouragement from Thea, Sara secretly starts meeting Teis, then Thea goes to the elders with information about Sara’s romance. I felt as if Thea was setting Sara up for a big downfall – I think Thea wanted Sara to fail as a J.W.

This movie was based upon a true story. Since I was raised Jehovah’s Witness, I can say that the things portrayed in the movie were accurate in regards to the religion. I enjoyed the movie, and if someone wanted to know more about the JW faith, I’d recommend they watch this flick. However, like most foreign films, I wished for a better ending. Foreign movies don’t always end like American movies – meaning, a nice happy ending and all of your questions answered. I felt that Sara needed to find the truth, the real truth of Jesus Christ, having a close relationship with Him.

The ending of this movie kind of reminded me about this book that I reviewed a few years ago. After this woman was expelled from her congregation, she was left with no religion, and I think that’s sad. However, I think that after a J.W. is expelled from their church, I can understand them being leery of all religions since they’re taught that all non-J.W. churches are bad/evil.
So, if you were Sara, how would you have dealt with being shunned by your church and family?

Book Giveaway – August 2012!



I’m hosting another book giveaway! ONE winner will receive the new/slightly-used 23 titles listed below. IF YOU WANT TO ENTER THE DRAWING YOU MUST DO TWO THINGS:

#1. You must join my mailing list! You can join my mailing list here:


If you’re already on my email list, then you can skip step one.

#2. You must comment on this blog post to enter and LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS – IF YOU DON’T LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR COMMENT, THEN YOU WON’T BE ENTERED INTO THE CONTEST! I need an email address so that I can contact you if you win! CONTINENTAL U.S. RESIDENTS ONLY.

I’ll be drawing the winner within the next few weeks or so! :-) Remember, I have the right to announce your first and last name, city and state on my blog if you win! Void where prohibited.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Watching The Tree Limbs by Mary E. DeMuth

Watching The Tree Limbs by Mary DeMuth

***Please note, this novel dealt with a very graphic subject matter. As usual, I’m posting an honest review, but, be prepared for the details that I’ll be discussing about this story. SPOILER ALERT – I couldn’t talk about this story without giving vivid details regarding what happened. 

Nine-year-old Mara has always wondered who she was and where she came from. Raised by two aunts (Nanny Lynn and Elma), her life has been a strange pattern of unanswered questions. When her Aunt Nanny Lynn dies, she’s suddenly thrust into the southern town of Burl with her Aunt Elma.

In Burl, Mara’s life turns extremely traumatic when she’s raped by a red-headed teenaged bully named General. She’s raped for nine days – General threatens to kill her (and her aunt) if she tells a soul about the rape. When her disinterested Aunt Elma suddenly dies, Mara automatically thinks General has killed her aunt and she struggles with the guilt, remaining silent about what she’s endured. Mara makes a friend in Burl, Camilla. Camilla brings a slice of sunshine into Mara’s dreary life, making rhymes, trying to make Mara smile.

After Elma’s death, Mara is sent to live with the mysterious Mr. Winningham. Who is he? He’s the town’s richest man, but, is he her father, or her grandfather? Is he a relative? Due to Mara’s mischief, Mr. Winningham forbids Elma from seeing her friend Camilla any longer. Alone, Mara finds friendship and kindness with Zady, Mr. Winningham’s maid. Zady takes Mara under her wing, taking her to church, teaching her about faith. Mara gets to know Zady’s family as she continues to struggle with her unknown background. She asks questions – questions that initially glean few answers.

While living with Mr. Winningham, Mara has to go to an all-black school since she’s now living in a different district and through limited communication with Camilla and a secret radio announcer named Denim, she struggles to find the missing pieces of her tattered life.

This is probably one of the best books I’ve read all year. Granted, seeing Mara getting raped nine times was extremely disturbing – rape to a child is a hurt that affects the core of your soul, making you feel for the character, desperately wanting the crime to stop. The town of Burl in the seventies also brings life to this book. Most of the adults in this book seemed crazy to me – a bit touched in the head. Most appeared to have such deep issues, issues that made you wonder what else was going on in this town besides what was happening in this novel.

It was also interesting to see Mara, the only white person, as part of an all-black community when she moves in with Mr. Winningham. When she goes to church with Zada, she’s the only white person, and when she goes to school, she’s the only white person in the entire school. In spite of her color difference, she fits into the black community easily, making friends that help her get through her dark days.

This book was definitely a page-turner. I couldn’t put it down. Overall, a great read, but,  the subject matter was disturbing, causing this story to stay in your mind for a long time.

~Cecelia Dowdy~


The Scent Of Cherry Blossoms by Cindy Woodsmall

The Scent of Cherry Blossoms by Cindy Woodsmall

When young Annie Martin leaves her mother’s home, she takes up residence in her grandfather’s house. Her grandfather (Daadi Moses), lives next door to Aden Zook and Aden’s family. Aden’s family owns a diner and that’s how they make their living. Since Aden’s father and Moses are in business together via ownership of the diner, the diner is allowed to have electricity.

The Zook family is Amish and the Martins are Mennonite. The Amish are forbidden from using electricity and their business partnership with Moses allows them to have the necessary electricity to run their business – Mennonites are allowed to have electricity in their homes and businesses.

When Annie and Aden begin courting, meeting secretly at night in Moses’s cherry blossom field, things become heated between the two families – Mennonites and Amish are forbidden from dating one another. Moses threatens to pull his partnership from the Zook family business, which would force them to shut down and they’d no longer be able to make a living. Moses poses this threat because Annie and Aden are courting and it’s forbidden. Aden’s family pushes him to end things with Annie, but, his heart is telling him to do otherwise.

Aden has a twin brother, Roman, who was injured in a buggy accident and now he’s bound to a wheelchair. There’s a side story about Roman being sent away to fix a generator for a relative. A mechanical whiz, Roman feels useful doing something helpful since his independence has disappeared since he can’t walk. Roman becomes enamored with a girl living next door to his relative.

I enjoyed this book, however, there were several things that bothered me about the story. The things that bothered me have no reflection at all on the author or the story, but, it’s just things that stuck in my mind that didn’t seem Christian about the way the Amish and Mennonites live.

Aden and Annie are in love, and they’ve always had feelings for one another, but they didn’t begin courting until they were adults. Both have taken a vow to their respective churches. I think it’s the vow concept that is so foreign to me and it was hard for me to connect to the characters in this fashion. It was implied if Annie and Aden had broken their vow to the church (by marrying one another) then they’d be doomed to a life in hell. Also, Moses tells Aden that the Bible states that it’s wrong to be unequally yoked.

I guess that whole unequally yoked comment from Moses bothered me a lot because I feel he’s implying that the only Christians on this earth are the Mennonites – everybody else are unbelievers – which is not the case – is everybody on this earth doomed to a life in hell if they don’t commit to the Mennonite faith? I felt that both groups were grossly misinterpreting scripture and making both Aden and Annie unnecessarily miserable.

Also, this “vow” makes no sense to me. I understand the concept of accepting Christ as your savior, becoming baptized, growing closer to Him. However, there’s nothing in the Bible that says you can’t use technology to make a living – the only reason the Zook family was pardoned by their church for using electricity was because they had a Mennonite partner. If Moses were to sever the partnership, they would’ve lost their business because they would not be “allowed” by the church to use electricity. Does that also mean that their salvation would be lost if they chose to continue the business as is if Moses were to leave? It’s almost as if both groups are placing extra “rules” onto Christianity and then acting like “God” himself by deciding who’s saved and who’s going to hell – basing the decision on superficial things like the use/non-use of electricity, cars, buggies, etc.




I really LOVED that both Aden and Annie discovered that God would forgive them for breaking their vow to the church in order to live in holy matrimony. They realized that God would bless their marriage and that there was nothing wrong with their being together as a couple. I also liked it when Annie was speaking to Moses on the phone, asking him if his beloved deceased wife had been Amish instead of Mennonite, if he would’ve walked away from her. That hit a nerve with Moses, and I think he began to see the error of his ways at that point.

Overall, a nice, heartwarming read. Many thanks to Waterbrook Press for providing me with a free review copy.

~Cecelia Dowdy~

Kirk Cameron!

Have you ever attended a Kirk Cameron event?

My husband and I found out that Kirk Cameron was speaking at a church a few miles from our house’ so we decided to attend Kirk’s Love Worth Fighting For Marriage Event last Sunday. The event started at six o’clock. Warren Barfield, a musician who performed one of the songs from the movie, Fireproof, was also speaking and performing.

The program started with Kirk talking about his time on Growing Pains in a comedic manner. He said he had to do that because lots of people remember him from Growing Pains, so he did a Growing Pains skit, solo, complete with a wig (since he no longer has the eighties hair from twenty + years ago).

After his humorous skit, he started talking about marriage and about what the Bible says about marriage and about how a husband should treat his wife. During his sermon/talk/speech he gave numerous examples from his movie, Fireproof. My husband and I were only a few of the people in the audience who had NOT seen the movie. If you want to hear Kirk talk about marriage, I’d strongly suggest seeing Fireproof first.

Warren Barfield sang a few songs and also told the audience about his missionary work – making us aware of opportunities to sponsor children in other countries. There was an intermission before Kirk came back onto the podium. He showed some clips from Fireproof to emphasize the points he was making about how to get through the trials in marriage – for example, men should not raise their voices so loudly to show their strength and make their wives cower in fear. He also mentioned that the first step to a successful marriage is to have faith in the Lord, believe in Him. He also talked about his upcoming movie, Monumental.

They also sold love and marriage t-shirts as well as other memorabilia in the lobby. Kirk’s book was also for sale. I rarely read non-fiction, so, I didn’t feel compelled to purchase the book.

The event was over around ten o’clock and I was tired and hungry since the program was four hours long and was smack-dab in the middle of dinner time! I kinda wished this event had been held earlier in the day, or, maybe on a Saturday from ten until two. The time wasn’t convenient, but, I’m glad we made the sacrifice to go – we had to get a babysitter and my husband and I rarely stay out that late anymore!

I thought Kirk was a good speaker and he was corny, but, corny in a good and funny way. If you’re wondering about hearing him speak, I highly recommend this seminar. If you have any questions about anything specific, feel free to leave a comment.

Have you ever heard Kirk Cameron speak at an event?

~Cecelia Dowdy~