Daily Archives: August 18, 2012

Saturday Matinee! Worlds Apart

***Note – this is a foreign movie with English subtitles.

Can you imagine being ousted from the only church you’ve ever known and shunned by your family? Can you imagine being left all alone in the world? What would you do if you were in this situation?

Seventeen-year-old Sara is a devout Jehovah’s Witness. When she goes to a party at a club, hosted by her J.W. friend, Thea, she meets Teis. Teis doesn’t believe in God and he finds Sara’s religion extremely confusing and unfair. Since she is not allowed to date Teis, she meets him secretly, lying to her father that she is out late with Thea doing homework.Teis is smitten with Sara, and he questions her beliefs.

When they are out on their first date, Sara runs into her brother, whom she has not seen in over a year. Teis is disturbed by the conversation he hears between Sara and her brother. Afterwards, Sara reveals that her brother was expelled from the J.W. congregation, and her family is no longer allowed to talk to him. If a practicing J.W. is caught speaking to an expelled (disfellowshipped) member, then the practicing J.W. risks being expelled him/herself.

In the midst of Sara’s romance, her parents go through their own trials. Her father has been unfaithful, and her parents are now separated. The children don’t understand why their mother won’t forgive their father for his sins since he’s repented and is sorry for what he’s done. Sara and her two siblings agree to stay with their dad because they feel he is the parent who is doing what is “right” – repenting. They feel their mother is “wrong” for not forgiving their father for his sin.

When their mother moves out, Sara discovers that her mom had other reasons for moving out on her own. Her mom wants to be able to secretly see her son who was expelled from the church – it’s easier for her to do this when she’s living in her own place.Sara and Teis’s romance deepens and soon, they move in together. Sara convinces her mother to lie for her, stating that Sara’s living with her mother instead of Teis. However, the elders in her congregation find out about Sara’s transgression and things get out of hand from there.

I didn’t really have a positive opinion about Sara’s JW friend, Thea. Thea initially encourages the romance between Teis and Sara, plus, Sara meets Teis at Thea’s party. Then, after encouragement from Thea, Sara secretly starts meeting Teis, then Thea goes to the elders with information about Sara’s romance. I felt as if Thea was setting Sara up for a big downfall – I think Thea wanted Sara to fail as a J.W.

This movie was based upon a true story. Since I was raised Jehovah’s Witness, I can say that the things portrayed in the movie were accurate in regards to the religion. I enjoyed the movie, and if someone wanted to know more about the JW faith, I’d recommend they watch this flick. However, like most foreign films, I wished for a better ending. Foreign movies don’t always end like American movies – meaning, a nice happy ending and all of your questions answered. I felt that Sara needed to find the truth, the real truth of Jesus Christ, having a close relationship with Him.

The ending of this movie kind of reminded me about this book that I reviewed a few years ago. After this woman was expelled from her congregation, she was left with no religion, and I think that’s sad. However, I think that after a J.W. is expelled from their church, I can understand them being leery of all religions since they’re taught that all non-J.W. churches are bad/evil.
So, if you were Sara, how would you have dealt with being shunned by your church and family?