Kirk Cameron!

Have you ever attended a Kirk Cameron event?

My husband and I found out that Kirk Cameron was speaking at a church a few miles from our house’ so we decided to attend Kirk’s Love Worth Fighting For Marriage Event last Sunday. The event started at six o’clock. Warren Barfield, a musician who performed one of the songs from the movie, Fireproof, was also speaking and performing.

The program started with Kirk talking about his time on Growing Pains in a comedic manner. He said he had to do that because lots of people remember him from Growing Pains, so he did a Growing Pains skit, solo, complete with a wig (since he no longer has the eighties hair from twenty + years ago).

After his humorous skit, he started talking about marriage and about what the Bible says about marriage and about how a husband should treat his wife. During his sermon/talk/speech he gave numerous examples from his movie, Fireproof. My husband and I were only a few of the people in the audience who had NOT seen the movie. If you want to hear Kirk talk about marriage, I’d strongly suggest seeing Fireproof first.

Warren Barfield sang a few songs and also told the audience about his missionary work – making us aware of opportunities to sponsor children in other countries. There was an intermission before Kirk came back onto the podium. He showed some clips from Fireproof to emphasize the points he was making about how to get through the trials in marriage – for example, men should not raise their voices so loudly to show their strength and make their wives cower in fear. He also mentioned that the first step to a successful marriage is to have faith in the Lord, believe in Him. He also talked about his upcoming movie, Monumental.

They also sold love and marriage t-shirts as well as other memorabilia in the lobby. Kirk’s book was also for sale. I rarely read non-fiction, so, I didn’t feel compelled to purchase the book.

The event was over around ten o’clock and I was tired and hungry since the program was four hours long and was smack-dab in the middle of dinner time! I kinda wished this event had been held earlier in the day, or, maybe on a Saturday from ten until two. The time wasn’t convenient, but, I’m glad we made the sacrifice to go – we had to get a babysitter and my husband and I rarely stay out that late anymore!

I thought Kirk was a good speaker and he was corny, but, corny in a good and funny way. If you’re wondering about hearing him speak, I highly recommend this seminar. If you have any questions about anything specific, feel free to leave a comment.

Have you ever heard Kirk Cameron speak at an event?

~Cecelia Dowdy~

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