Dee Stewart (Miranda Parker) – RIP – You Will Be Missed

I was shocked, teary-eyed, and upset yesterday to find out that author Dee Stewart (Miranda Parker) had passed away due to heart failure. I knew of her health issues from our Facebook interactions but…I guess I just didn’t think she’d die. I know she’d said she wasn’t feeling well…I’m still processing this.

Dee was a big advocate, a huge voice (in my opinion) for the genre of Christian fiction. She ran a popular Christian fiction blog, and she was also a columnist for the Christian Fiction Online Magazine (Multicultural Fiction column).

She’s also an author, and her second book for her Angel Crawford series was released last June.

I met Dee back in 2006 at the ACFW conference. I recall spending a good amount of my conference sitting on the couch in the reception area and talking to her about writing, blogging, marketing, and lamenting about the pain of rejection. Since that initial meeting, we’ve  communicated online ever since. She’s always been warm, friendly, helpful, endearing, and kind. Her faith shined and I know she will be missed by many, myself included.

RIP Dee Stewart.


~Cecelia Dowdy~


4 thoughts on “Dee Stewart (Miranda Parker) – RIP – You Will Be Missed

  1. Maurice M. Gray Jr

    I’m still stunned myself. I never met Dee face to face, but got to know her pretty well on Facebook through her posts and her constant good cheer, even when describing the ups and downs of her medical condition. On some level I knew she had a potentially fatal condition, but like you, I didn’t expect her to die when she did.

    1. novelistcd Post author

      Yeah, Maurice, it was stunning, wasn’t it? I knew she was on bed rest, and I recall when she put that picture up on her wall stating that even though she was on bed rest, she still wanted to look her best. Actually THREE DAYS before she died, she’d commented on my wall…it’s just so hard to accept. I’d also heard that she was scheduled for surgery today (Monday the 8th) to get a pacemaker. So, so sad…

  2. Claudia C.

    So sad to just now hear about this. I’ve known Dee for a few years and she always was a blessing with kind words. At least she no longer hurts now, but what about her daughter? Is she taken care of and was she at all “prepared” for this (not that one can ever be, especially as a child…). My heart aches and is saddened that I didn’t get to attend the funeral, but I know she is in my heart, still. Much love to her family…

    1. novelistcd Post author

      Hi, Claudia

      I’d heard talk about some authors trying to set up a trust fund for her daughter, but, so far, no official announcement has been sent. (As far as I know, anyway).

      Yes, this is quite sad. Dee will be missed.

      Far as I know, I believe her daughter was about as prepared as she could’ve been? I believe she knew about her mother’s illness – but, as you stated, how do you really prepare for something like this? When the person is gone, I’m sure the shock was awful, especially to the child. I mostly heard comments and information about this via Facebook – that was my main source of information.


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