Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex for several years, without having a romantic relationship with that person? Did either one of you have a secret crush on the other?
The Manning Brides by Debbie Macomber
Marriage Of Inconvenience is the first book in The Manning Brides collection. Jamie Warren wants to have a baby. However, there’s just one problem – who will be the father? Rich Manning, her best friend since high school, seems like the perfect choice. After all, he’s good-looking and she figures his genes will make a great baby. She wants to do artificial insemination, however, Rich doesn’t want to be just a sperm donor. He wants to do what’s right for his child. Therefore, since Jamie wants to have a baby, he suggests their getting married. Stunned, Jamie finally agrees to the marriage. After all, it won’t be a “real” marriage – they’ve signed an agreement and will plan to divorce once Jamie is pregnant with their child.
Marriage between Jamie and Rich is weird, after all, they’re best friends, not lovers. The marriage forces both Jamie and Rich to see one another in a new light. Also, they keep their marriage a secret from most of their family members, and Rich and Jamie continue to live in their separate homes. However, Rich finds himself jealous when he spots Jamie with a platonic male friend. After all, even though their marriage is only for the convenience of their future baby, she is still his wife. Shouldn’t she treat their “marriage” with more dignity and respect?
This book was a light, whimsical, feel-good story. Although it’s not Christian fiction, I think most Christians would still enjoy this book since nothing offensive happens. I really thought it was interesting how Rich and Jamie could be friends for so many years, but, not be romantically involved with one another.
So, have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex for several years, without having a romantic relationship with that person? Did either one of you have a secret crush on the other? Leave a comment!
Yes I have a crush on boy I know at church but I don’t if we are best friends.
Sarah Richmond
Hi, Sarah
So, you’re not sure if the two of you are best friends, but you had a crush on him? It’s somebody you know at church…just wondering how much you saw him outside of church. Did you guys go out/hang out together? Talk on the phone much? Just wondering is all! Glad you stopped by and commented on my blog!
I had a crush on a boy for years who talked to me but was never interested in me. But then I met my husband who God had for me.
Yes, it’s hard to know “who” is the person for us, especially when we’re much younger. I had crushes on mostly college guys. Sometimes, we need to just sit back, and wait to see who God has in store for us!
I found the lemon pound cake on your website. I am trying it with Splenda – my husband is now diabetic. Do you remember me Cecilia. I have reviewed some of your books. Missed you.
Hey Jane! Yes, I remember you very well! Sorry to hear about your husband being a diabetic.
I’ve never tried the lemon pound cake recipe with Splenda. I’m not a big fan of artificial sweeteners, but, I do realize that it’s sometimes necessary to use those things.
I don’t have any new releases out, unfortunately, but, I’m hoping that’ll change soon. You never know. I hope you have a blessed day!
I’m a married woman in my mid-30s and my best friend is a man. We’ve been friends for 20 years.
Hi, Emma!
Wow, that’s amazing! I rarely hear of a friendship like that between a man and a woman! Does your husband ever get jealous about the time that you spend with your best friend?