Christmas Traditions should be kept fun and simple.
To celebrate Christmas with my family each year, we bake several kinds of cookies. Every weekend, I make a different type. Last weekend it was chocolate chip. This coming weekend with be peanut butter. The weekend after that will probably be oatmeal raisin and rolled sugar cookies. I’ve always loved baking and I have a major sweet tooth, so doing these activities with my son is fun, relaxing, soothing, and delicious!
As the years go by, we’ll probably add more to our Christmas traditions. For example, my son is now five, and this is the first year he’s asked for a Christmas tree. I was raised in a religion that didn’t allow Christmas celebrations, and as an adult, I’ve never felt compelled to purchase a tree for my home. My husband never really wanted a tree either. When we went shopping for a fake tree at Kmart last Saturday, I suddenly felt overwhelmed from the crowds, long lines, and tall trees – trees that I did not want to bring into my home. The trees just seemed so big to me! So, we rushed home and I ordered a small 4 1/2 foot tree online. The tree even comes with lights! The tree arrived in the mail yesterday, and we’ll assemble it within the next few days. I’m sure this will become another yearly Christmas tradition in our home – putting up the tree!
What are your favorite family Christmas traditions? Do you add traditions as the years go by? As you get older, do you stop certain Christmas traditions?
Merry Christmas!