Do you remember the events at your church (both past and present) that involved food? If so, what were your favorite dishes?
Growing up, I don’t really recall having many events in my congregation that involved us enjoying food. I grew up a Jehovah’s Witness and at the congregation where my family attended, I only remember a couple of picnics with hot dogs and hamburgers – there may have been other JW food events, and it’s possible that it’s escaped my memory, that was so long ago. These JW events were never at the place of worship, but usually at a park.
Later, as an adult, I initially joined an AME church and they served us spaghetti on the day that they hosted the new member class. I recall, I thought the spaghetti was just okay and the church ladies prepared it in the church kitchen in the basement. The AME church also sponsored an annual picnic every fall. I only attended this picnic one time and it was catered. The food was just okay. I recall eating a hamburger, hot dog, and baked beans.
Later on, right before we got married, my husband and I joined a Baptist church – we still attend this church. The only food event that our church sponsors each year, which we attend, is their annual picnic. Like the AME church mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Baptist church picnic is catered. We didn’t enjoy the food much this year – the burgers were underdone. I hate seeing pink meat in my burger.
What’s the point of this blog post? Well, over the years when I’ve had conversations with people, they’ll sometimes reminisce about church/pot luck suppers sponsored by their church. They’ll also recall certain dishes prepared by the parishioners that were their favorites. Usually it was a favorite dessert (pie, cake or cookies), or a favorite casserole dish. I’ve never had this kind of experience within the church and I wondered if any of you blog readers have? I enjoy talking about food and as you know, I’ve also shared recipes on this blog.
So, do you remember any favorite church events, past or present, that involved food? What kind of event was it? What were your favorite dishes? Were any of these events catered, or did the parishioners provide the food?
Leave your responses in the comments!
Hi Cecelia, while my children were small and bigger, we went to a church which gave potluck meals. We went to church on Saturdays. So the potluck meals were about an hour after church services were over. It was a chance for ladies to show off new recipes they had tried for dinners at home. The kids loved the desserts and getting in line to serve themselves whatever casseroles they wanted. Before church coffee was served in the back of the church. I really enjoyed those potluck meals. Not so much because of the meal, but because there was a more relaxed feeling giving us time to fellowship until a later hour. Always shy I never was a really good fellowshipper like others in the church, but during potluck I felt more relaxed.
Hi, Hattie!
Having a potluck meal sounds like a wonderful idea! Sounds like it was a great time to relax and enjoy one another’s company! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
My church has quite a few events involving food (one of the jokes about the AME denomination is that AME stands for Always Meeting and Eating
). We have a fellowship dinner for new members on the day they receive the Right Hand Of Fellowship. Various ministries are encouraged to host fellowship dinners so that members and potential members can get together, and our big deal is the annual church barbecue. We have it in one of the state parks- it’s catered (ribs, fried fish, chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers and all the trimmings). Members provide the desserts (it used to be a bake-off with a prize for the best cake, best pie, etc. but feelings started getting hurt). The cost is minimal for members and free to seniors and children under 12- we always have a GREAT time.
Oh, and standard fare at our fellowship dinners matches the menu of churches across the country. Baked chicken, green beans, mac and cheese (or rice sometimes), rolls and “church tea” (so sweet you water it down or your child will ricochet off the walls the rest of the day). We are blessed to have several professional level caterers in our congregation- the food is always first rate, whether it’s a full meal or finger food following a special program.
Wow, Maurice! Sounds like your congregation has a tasty time with picnics and gatherings! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for leaving a comment!